Last night, after pushing myself out the door to walk with Roy, I had to think about dinner.
DH and I take turns deciding on, and cooking, dinner.
It seems to work for us.
It was my turn, but my head was making it hard to concentrate.
DH was understanding, and said he would bring home subs for him and my mother.
I made cream of mushroom soup.
But I didn't know where my recipe was, and I had read somewhere that adding dried mushrooms to
regular mushrooms really made a huge difference.
So I didn't bother with a recipe, instead, I winged it.
Believe me, this was one time when it worked out.
There is not a drop of soup left. I can't believe it.
I posted the 'wing it' recipe on the Recipe tab at the top of the page.
I made myself a grilled cheese with guacamole. The picture is not so great,
but the sandwich was.
Today was a couple of notches better than the last four days. I hate that I categorize my days with a number, but really, that's the least of it.
Smoky, aka Lucy, aka Also, has gone to her forever home with my friend Bonnie.
She has put on some weight since we rescued her, and now relaxed, she has become a
very sweet girl. She will be happy in her own space, the only cat, Queen Bee.
I spent the day alone at the studio. It was quiet.
As I was puttering around, I noticed these purple towels, and realized that I never posted a photo of them.
They are a little weird, not exactly my color combo.
I worked on some placemats, finishing my 60 yard warp.
Now THESE are my colors.
Some days you do what you can. You let the rest go.
Years ago, in a rough place in my life, I started a gratitude journal. In my despair, I struggled some days to find 5 things to be grateful for. But they were there, from the simplest of comforts like a cup of coffee; to gifts we never think of, like a crystal blue sky.
I found myself grateful for a steady job, for my daughters, for my mother, for my dogs, my home.
Grateful for the chance to take a nap, pay my bills, make cookies, walk in the woods.
I kept that journal for two years. I still have it.
What I learned from writing down 5 things I was grateful for, every day, was this:
There is always something to be thankful for. Always.
So even now, mystified and some days nearly crazy with this headache..........I am still grateful.
Hard sometimes, confusing and challenging, life is still good.

Thanks for posting the update about Lucy. What a nice outcome for her. I assume Sidney and Miss Puss are happy too!
I look forward to trying out the recipe. Take care and I hope the headache gives you some time off soon.
That sandwich looks so delicious. I'd be grateful for that.
I recently read about a product called Curamin, a pain reliever, that is plant based. Maybe it is something you can look into.
The sandwich looks yummy !
I'm sorry to read you are still having headache problems, I wish they would hurry and get to the bottom of it.
Gorgeous placemats, love the colors.
Little Lucy looks so happy :)
A gratitude journal is a good idea. Years ago, in a similarly stressful and desperate time in our lives, I began to consciously be thankful at the end of the day for something positive or beautiful ... no matter how seemingly insignificant it may have sounded to anyone else. I never wrote mine down, tho. It really does help to end a dreadful day on a positive note.
I like your colors, too.
I love the idea of the gratitude journal. Finding 5 things should be easy enough. I love your colors. And I love mushroom soup. Checking out that recipe.
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