Nah, no more than the usual dull meanness.
But the house was quiet, and I was alone in my own house, just for the morning, and I could not resist the temptation to stay here.
Me and Roy.
No TV on anywhere in the whole house.
I cleaned the stove, then the downstairs bathroom. Had another cuppa tea.
Exciting stuff.
Of course, my heart lives at the studio pretty much all the time. I love it there any time, all the time.
But there is something to be said for being 'home' alone.
No chatter, no questions, no human interaction at all.
(This does not happen often, my friends. Not often at all.)
Just Roy waiting to get on my lap the moment I sit down.
I am a sporadic housekeeper. Never was a high point with me. I have a couple of freakish obsessions........clean uncluttered (as in bare) kitchen counter, totally clean, uncluttered table, clean uncluttered bathroom counter......that's about it.
The rest of the house may look like a tornado went through, but those places.....pristine.
What's up with that?
Seriously, DH does a lot, and I do what I can when I get home at night. It's livable. Doesn't smell, not disgusting, according to me. Don't ask youngest daughter, who could give Martha Stewart some lessons.
I have always cherished solitude, even as a child. Don't ask me why. Maybe it is normal, maybe not.
Give me my books, my knitting, and of late years, my laptop. I am golden. Quiet? I wish.
One of these days, I would like to talk everyone in this household to have NO TV for ONE evening.
None, nada. Quiet.
I can't even imagine it.
Do you long for quiet sometimes?? Or is it just me?
When I finally got to the studio, I worked on some placemats.
I love them.
Late this afternoon, I went to my physical therapy appointment. We ditched the traction for today.
I got heat, the ultrasound, the usual. Then the therapist did trigger point therapy on the back of my neck and on my shoulder blade. I am waiting to see what tonight and tomorrow will be like.
It's always a crap shoot.

Love the colors on those placemats! I love, love, love the solitude when everyone is gone and I have the house to myself and my four legged furbabies. I'm with people five days a week eight and a half hours a day, so no people is wonderful. (Is that proper English?) Of course, I don't want a steady diet of no people, just sometimes and then I cherish it.
I've always loved being alone. I love to walk alone, too. I grew up 'almost' as an only child because my siblings were that much older and gone before I knew it. I spent a lot of time alone at home as a kid but always had close friends, too. After raising 3 kids.....love the quiet.
I too enjoy quiet and solitude. I work in a very noisy environment (juvenile offenders) and there are times when the noise actually makes me tired. When I was young I would stay in my room and sketch for hours. I still work on my art almost daily, as with you it gives me great pleasure. I do enjoy people but I have my limits! Maybe it's an artsy thing that we were born with. Take care.
We have not had a TV on in the house for over a year. We do have one in the motorhome and it will be on for local news only. Love the no TV noise. Do not look forward to ever having a TV going on and on and on.....
I wish you well with your therapy results tomorrow.
Quiet...what is that? At my job, I have 3 huge phone systems, 2 walkie talkie radios, a PA system, school bells ringing, a door bell monitoring system and people at me all the time. I come home and sew and knit and create in silence. No radio, no TV. I live for vacation in Maine, Vermont and Canada. No one knows me there...no one really needs me. With my family. Peaceful. We also have a trail similar to your Canal trail. That is a nice peaceful walk, as well. Quiet...Priceless.
Solitude and quiet have become so much more important as I get older. I used to be pretty much an "out-there" extrovert. I crave silence, too--well, not nature sounds, but as for tv, radio, etc--NO! Solitude and quiet are not easy to come by as my husband's health keeps him home most of the time, and he likes to listen to talking books, music, tv. A couple of months ago I got myself a set of noise canceling earphones. The real high-end ones. They are spectacular. Sometimes, I don't hook them into anything, I just put them on and turn them on. MIRACLE!
That is the true definition of an introvert. It's about how you charge your batteries - in silence (introvert) or noise (extrovert). Has nothing to do with your people skills.
Took me the longest time to teach my guys (ex-husband and then long term boyfriend) that the greatest gift they could give me wasn't to let me go away from home for a few hours, it was to take the kids out for a few hours so I could have the house to myself. Now the house is just me, except for a few times a year when the youngest visits from college. Love getting to choose the noise level.
No TV in this house...at least not for watching TV. I use it to watch DVDs and that rarely. Tonight is quiet, except for the clacking of cat claws on the wood floors. I love it. I love being alone with the cats. I work with people all day long and find I am getting less social as I age...or maybe it is just that I want my interactions to be meaningful and don't have time for drama. Does that sound snobby? Life is just too precious to waste time with trivial cacophony. On another subject, did the MRI you have include your cervical spine? Candace
First, I am digging the colors in that placemat. Whether it's burnt orange or red, I'm loving it. Also, you totally turn me on talking about your uncluttered kitchen counters. I live for bare countertops. I hate things on surfaces. In fact, I got rid of my coffee tables just to prevent people from putting things on them.
We can't live without electronics around here. Yeah, I know that's bad.
Take care of yourself.
I love the quiet of my days when everyone else is at work or school and I have house and animals to tend to and I choose what to do, or not do. No TV... there is so much garbage on there nowadays it's a waste. However, I did enjoy Betty White's birthday last night. Just love that woman.
Our TV is on too often... mostly when David is at home, and I wouldn't mind it, if he would just turn the volume down!!! Dang, and he says I'm hearing impaired... well, it's no wonder with the noise that box makes.
I love it when I have the apartment all to myself. I treasure my Thursday evenings when Toonman plays cards .. I am ashamed to admit that I was enjoying my quiet alone nights when Toonman was in hospital .. I imagine he loves his time alone too ... tho he gets more of it than I do .. Are those the placemats you said I had to wait to see? If so I am off to order a few .. I am now torn between those hot mismatched ones and the mellow blue/gray ones .. oh the difficulty of making choices ...
As with most things, a blessing or a curse, but appreciating alone time is high on my list. I grew up in a very large orchard and often played alone under a big tree. Being in the people biz all of my career made me appreciate quiet even more. I am with you. It is so interesting to follow your therapy and its results. Thank you for sharing it. Continued good healing thoughts for you.
Consider getting rid of the tvs. I don't regret ecycling mine a couple of years ago, and I save the cable bill money.
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