For 6 hours, L and I wove the third part of a BIG rug. Mustard with a touch of green. With blue 'slubs', the customer's word, not mine.
We finished a bit before 4pm, and then I stayed to sew the hemmed edges.
Now it just needs to be seamed together, packed, and shipped.
Hallelujah. I'm not kidding. This order was a whole lot of work.
"Do I have to move?"
Now I have to abruptly change gears, for two students coming tomorrow. It has turned out to be a busy week.
Now, the Red Sox are playing. DH says baseball will soon be over.
What will we do? Where will we go?? How will we live???
Just a couple of questions I have.
These will be L's next venture. Log Cabin Placemats. She can't wait.
Sydney says: Get over it, L.
That's all, folks!

But the rug really is a lovely color. I would think any large project would become a bit blinding to the eye after so many hours working on it. Bet the customer is gonna love it. :-)
Bring on Hockey season! It usually goes until baseball starts so you won't have to have one of those dull weekends with no sports :-) Of course, I would rather be weaving.
Oh just look like you own the place.
I forget the name of the other cat. Syd seems to be the 'blog star'.
I like the log cabin design. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x4 and a few more.
I bet that's going to be one happy customer.
Any new home inquiries for "also"? Or is it "Next"?....
Still drooling over the Ruana. Just WOW.
Sydney, you are my heroine! Football season is upon us!
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