Yup, tis true. Over for another year. It was a fun show, and I did OK.
Can't complain.
Part of the reason it was a good show, was because I had HELP. L was there the whole entire weekend, and I actually got to SEE some of the other vendors' booths. There have been shows in my past, where I have seen NOTHING, but the inside of my own booth. So this was a treat, and especially so because it was a FIBER show. And ya' know I love Fiber.
More help arrived this afternoon.
I sent her on a couple of missions.
Another vendor, who makes jewelry, loves to swap for my loopers. And I love her copper jewelry, so we make each other very happy.
Swappage I call it. And I love it. I sent Gabby to pick up a pin.
And it looks GREAT on my ruana.
What do you think??
There were lots of admirers, but no one took it home.
Kits were the big sellers this weekend, which didn't surprise me. This is a show for people who LOVE to make things.
There was plenty to tempt them.
I am usually exhausted after a show.....I think it is more mental than anything.
Something about putting yourself and your wares out there, makes you tired.
That's my theory anyway.
It's kind of like, ok, this is who I am, and what I you like me????
It isn't about the money, it never was.

The colors of the ruana are VERY nice. You have such an eye for putting things together.... Give it time, it WILL sell.
Isn't life grand when it's not about the money. That's how I feel about my work, too. I would have been over to see your booth for sure. Everything looked so intriguing. Love your bags. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x4
I can understand that reasoning and how it would make you exhausted.
I would have just had to buy that ruana. It is beautiful, and the pin...gorgeous! Nice trade.
Just did a show this weekend, too. Very exhausting even though it was a lovely show!! I totally agree about the putting ourselves out there for the world to see and hopefully like! Your stuff looks wonderful and that ruana! Beautiful!! xo Cait
My son is an artist too - a painter - and I've always admired his courage in putting himself out there during his shows - and being so open to acceptance or rejection! It's a courage most of us don't exercise!
Your booth looks GREAT.
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