It is a short article, and to the point.
But hey, it was free publicity, and you can't hate that.
Crazy as a Loom goes international
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KINGSBURY -- Crazy As A Loom Weaving Studio may not get a lot of foot traffic, but that hasn't stopped the business from cultivating an international clientele.
Owner Hilary Cooper-Kenny recently filled a wholesale order for a retail shop in Iceland. She recently shipped three boxes of her specialty woven rugs and rug kits.
The shop owner found Crazy as a Loom's products online and emailed Cooper-Kenny.
"She wanted to know, ‘Can I be the only shop to wholesale your stuff in Iceland?'" Cooper-Kenny said with a laugh.
When Crazy as a Loom opened in 2005, Cooper-Kenny thought she would be more retail-driven. Six years later, the business consists mostly of online orders, and Cooper-Kenny says she's had to pace herself so as not to grow too large.
She had previously filled custom orders for individuals in Japan and Mexico, but this was the first international wholesale customer.
Today, L and I worked on an order, a 5x7 sock rug in purple, turquoise, pink and lime green.
And because I hate to put on a warp for just ONE rug, we started on the second one, and tomorrow we will hopefully finish # 2 and then move on to #3. One for the customer, two for the shelves.
We aren't sure that the third one will fit on the cloth beam.
I am guessing that it will.
We are going to work like dogs, so we can do something fun on Friday.
It involves biking, the lake, and some off road trails. Sounds wonderful. Should we pack a lunch???
L is a good balance for me. She reminds me, in a NOT so subtle way, that I am working too hard.
Sometimes I do need to hear it.
Or fall into the pit of working myself to death.
Sometimes the problem is that I so love what I am doing, that it doesn't feel much like work to me, except when I fall into bed in a comalike state. Then I realize.
Tonight DH is making pizza. The house smells wonderful. He just made me a salad to die for, and I wolfed it down.
Life is good. I am busy. Being tired just proves to me that I am living life the way I want to.
Whatever random complaints I have, they are nothing. Really.
So many people have it worse.
We do what we can, with what we have, as best as we are able.
The End.
If you aren't living on the edge, you are taking up too much space.
And there are many definitions of living on the edge.
This is new inventory, finally got it over to the parish house so we could lay it out and take a good picture.
It is a 10x12 blue jean rug.
It will be perfect for someone.
I have faith.
Now the Red Sox are on, and I am going to read my Kindle.
The sky is darkening, and thunder is rumbling in the distance. We are in for a storm.
Sydney says:
Does this pink make me look too girly???
Ha! She cracks me up.

Oh that Sidney!!! She is really quite photogenic! And it is so cool about your wholesale to Iceland--WOW!! I'm in love with your sock looper rugs!
I love Sidney. Over dinner tonight I was telling my husband about your rugs. Just preparing him for a possible purchase. I just love them so much. Congrats on your newspaper article. Free advertising is gold. I owned a dog biscuit company for 8 years and loved any kind of free advertising. Have a great day off, Hilary. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x4
love that you got a blurb in the paper! :)
and i LOVE that bluejean rug. it's just gorgeous...
(hi Syd!)
I don't even know where to begin!
the colors in the current project are wonderful
the blue jean rug is fantastic
you're international and a celebrity
and Sydney is adorable
OK I think I got it all
thanks for your visit :)
Wow~a bigshot in bloggy land :) Wonderful write-up!So cool for you!! I do think you should travel to Iceland; at the cost of the local paper! You could do a 4-part series or something...LOL!
I adore Sydney! What a ham!
xo, misha
You and L are such a good balance. Funny how someone comes along just when you need them, isn't it? And you, all famous now and everything ~
As always, your rugs are beautiful.
I love that rug! Not more than I love Sydney though. She's a peach!
International business woman AND local celebrity. My feet are not worthy of your rugs. ;)
I'm happy for ya, H. You deserve your joy. :)
That blue jean rug? It would be like walking on water. The ocean comes home. Best one yet!
Sydney, girl friend, that rug is you.
The rugs are beautiful and the cat is just adorable! I want to cuddle her NOW! :)
This Good Life
I am soooo proud of your accomplishments-you deserve a day off to have fun. That blue jean rug is destined to be in a lakeside or oceanfront home. And Syd-well Syd, you were born to be in front of the lens girl
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