pay someone to mow?
I hurt my thumb.
Not sure how, but I was using the self propelled lawn mower, and I had to squeeze really hard with my right hand, to depress the lever that makes it go, and suddenly as I tried to let it go, a sharp pain ripped through the base of my thumb.
Same thumb I hurt years ago, trying to crawl across the front seat of a car we jokingly called the "Beirut car bomb". The driver's door wouldn't open from the outside, so I was leaning in from the passenger side, trying to reach the handle. I don't remember the specifics, but I slipped, and have the vision of my right thumb being momentarily parallel with my wrist.
It hurt so bad, and before I was halfway home, my thumb, from the base to the tip, was THREE times its size.
I ended up stopping at Urgent Care, and they xrayed it, and said they thought I dislocated, and then relocated, my thumb.
Oh, good.
Now the same thumb is very painful, and the base of it is quite swollen.
To mow or not to mow. Is that a question?
Well, if it is, it is a dumb one. What WAS I thinking?
Ack, who am I fooling?
I am nothing if not stubborn, and I mowed more today, only I had to use the REAL push lawn mower, because I could not grip anything with my right hand. Have you ever mowed the lawn with one hand. It is interesting.
I think this has something to do with admitting my age. To myself. I don't really care what anyone else thinks about it.
But I digress.
A friend of L's came over the other day. She brought these amazing little dresses that she has been making.
Little Dresses for Africa
Changing lives one little dress at a time…
Little Dresses for Africa is a non-profit 501c3, Christian based organization which provides relief to the children of Africa. Simple dresses are made out of pillow cases and distributed through the orphanages, churches and schools in Africa to plant in the hearts of little girls that they are worthy!
L's friend, who is also L, told me not to put her in the picture.
But how could I not?? She is holding the dress!!
Aren't they gorgeous??? She is making all these little dresses, for little girls that she doesn't even know.
If that isn't sweet, then I don't know what is.
If you are interested, here is a video she shared with me, to make a pillowcase dress from less than a yard of fabric.
And click here for the dress instructions from the Little Dresses of Africa site.
Never a dull moment.
But that is absolutely OK with me, sore thumb and all.

Can you say popsicle stick? Would wrapping that thumb help. Sounds awfully painful!
The little dresses are way sweet. She's a good person~
i've heard of this project and just love it. i am so grateful for folks how give of their talent and time for people half-way around the world who have nothing... :)
OMGoodness, I *love* how the photos show her holding the dresses FAR away from her so that she doesn't accidentally end up in the pictures. And then, the realization that what she so greatly feared has happened... And then the look of accusation...
Bless you, L. I feel the same way about cameras.
Hi fellow follower of this blog, So do you remember the line 'slowing down' and 'being selective' and stopping to enjoy and smell the flowers( I just put that in!). Well that may happen in the future but not this week!! I love working with(for) Hilary but it is tough sometimes keeping up with the work schedule changes :) :) .... Its a great learning experience with friendship and fun throw in. L.
"But I digress."
No, you mow it. You dye fabric. ;)
Hope your thumb heals quickly.. that sounds nasty.
Ok, if it was me, I would give a shout out to the local pre-teen or teen that might be looking for some odd jobs for summer.
You have to pass on that determined work ethic to a new generation and get the kids out earning a few dollars. Of, course you could be like me and live in a town with very few teens :-) so I still end up doing it a few times anyway.
I'd say "rest that thumb" but I think that may be impossible. So, I just hope it heals quickly. I love 'giving' people like your friend. That's what this world needs is more of her. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x4
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