He/she has to go.
Tonight there are high wind warnings, and I am praying that we get through the night and still have power. Never a dull moment. It rained all day, and for most of the morning, my yard was like a skating rink.
Why, why, why, do we live in the north in the winter????? What earthly reason could there be?
This is very frozen Lake George.......from the Ticonderoga Town beach.
I grew up there, and yesterday went there with my daughter. Her best friend's brother had died, and she wanted to go to the funeral, but wanted me to ride up there with her. It's a little under an hour away.
I didn't know the deceased at all, so I took Naya and we walked.
The man coming off the lake had an ice fishing sled, with fish on it, and Naya was very interested.
I told him, she eats eggs coming from the hen house, so I know she'll like fish. Better watch her.
He laughed.
Then we went to the other end of the lake, and walked some more. That mountain in the background is where I spent most of my youth, climbing up and down and across it. The lake is down there at the base of the mountain.
Over all though, I don't like to visit my home town. It barely resembles the place that I grew up, and I like remembering it the way it was.
On the way home yesterday, I had the jagged light "aura" for a migraine, and for the rest of the day I was pretty useless.
Fast forward to today, and I had the dull, persistent headache that often follows that migraine.
I did accomplish a little, but not much.
I made broccoli soup for L and I to have for lunches this week.
I marinated some mushrooms that I baked for dinner.
I made a Coconut crustless pie.....DH is still searching for the crust. (ha!)
In between rain drops, Naya made a few forays into her yard, unimpressed.
I loved the suggestion from Joanne from Cup on the bus that I should have stuck with prayer flags. I am pretty sure she is mixing me up with someone else, I don't think that I ever mentioned them, but nonetheless I started googling prayer flags, and got very interested. (Thank you Joanne)
It kind of matched up with my fascination of late with "slow stitching".......so I got the scrap box out and started playing with it.
Now don't get excited, they are not amazing or anything, and I have no idea what the finished product will look like....although my idea is to have 4 or 5 of them on a rope......but let me just say this.....I am having so much fun doing it....it just doesn't matter if anyone likes them or not.
The idea is that the words on the flags will fly away on the breeze, and the good thoughts will be taken to others. Passing good stuff along, you might say.
At any rate, it is a contemplative endeavor, and very relaxing to do of an evening.
While DH watches horrible (IMHO) TV, with his headphones on, I sew little scraps of stuff
to leftover handwovens.
Now really, what could make more sense???????

I LOVE your little fabric pieces! Whether they're prayer flags, mini collages, or destined to become part of a larger work, they are great. Their artistic nature, sizes, textures, and colors are very visually appealing. NICE WORK!!
P.S. Totally crazy windy here, too.
Hillary, I am blown away. Swept away. Those are beyond description. I love them and will go look at them again, now.
In Ottawa, about 30 Februarys ago, a skunk was startled by the furnace coming on. He did what skunks do, Right Beside the Air Intake Valve.
Smell was so strong, it woke my parents out of a sound sleep at 2am, and everything carried a certain fragrance for weeks. It was a nightmare, not to mention expensive, trying to heat the house with the windows open
My dad still keeps a skunk trap in the garage...
I love the colours in your prayer flags - they brighten up a dull winter day!
I love the idea! Lots of fun!
I am so happy that I found your blog! I am now following you - you can follow back if you wish at Annster's Domain
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