Yep. My birthday. Today. 72 years on this planet, in this body.
And true, I have not been kind to this body. I tell my girls all the time, to think about the things they do.....lifting things that are too heavy, putting too much stress on joints and bones and generally not considering the outcome.
But of course, they probably won't listen, anymore than I would have.
I am brought up short, thinking of my cousin, Billy, who was more like a brother all of my life.
Born a day before me, we were inseparable. The fabric of my life was woven around him. He was my friend, my protector, my safe place.
He's been gone 15 years now, from esophageal cancer, a very unpleasant way to leave this life.
I miss him still.
Yesterday, on his birthday, I got to thinking about all the things that I have lived in this last 15 years, that he was robbed of. So much life in that span of time, grandkids born and loved, time with family and friends, living my passion in the studio.
Gratitude for those years, and sadness that he didn't have them, are one and the same.
Every time I gripe and complain that this hurts and that doesn't work the way it used to, I try to remind myself, that he doesn't have anything to complain about. He can't watch the sun come up, in front of the fire, drinking his coffee.
Sunrises, sunsets, birds singing, a video from my littlest grands wishing me a happy birthday, hugs, friends, the lull of the loom, the shuttle passing back and forth. A cup of tea, a good book. A fat cat snoring behind me on the back of the couch. All my memories, good and not so good, of a life lived fully
Gratitude, my friends, is the attitude.
And that is my philosophical take of the day.
Naya does not seem to be too upset by the snow, even though she came from the south, she takes it in stride, running in it, playing in it, and even sitting in it in the sunshine.
In the studio, some towels on my blue warp.........changing drafts at the click of a mouse. Ah, technology, sometimes you are priceless.
Sometimes these towels sell off my FB business page as soon as they are done......nice, yes, but harder then to build up stock for to get Lois weaving them as well.
She just finished this ruana....which is lovely and soft........and missing a stripe on the upper left.
I am trying to come up with something to offset that in the visual of it.
Buttons? A brooch? An embroidered design??
Or just leave it???
I have changed up my stool
on the AVL.
It seems to help. My PT guy seems to think that weaving with the elift is not hurting my's weaving on looms that require me to "lift" my hip.
That is VERY good news.
I am still only weaving a couple of hours each day, then finding other things to do.
The PT seems to be helping gradually.
While I am not really vain, and certainly not a fashion plate, I have long wanted my hair to be like this.
My father was totally white like this by the time he was 70. Mine just keeps hanging on in gray mode.
But then, on the other hand, I am very resistant to spending money on frivolous things like this.
But should I????? What do you think????
Today will be a quiet day at home. Weather permitting, I will take Naya for a walk, and that will be it for me. And that's ok. I don't need bells and whistles.
Serenity. That's my birthday gift to me.

A very VERY happy birthday to you! And yes, why not do it? My hair looks similar but isn't so white and the cut is different. Well, it's really nothing like that picture, now that I think of it! Anyway, happy birthday again. :-)
Happy Birthday!!!! I love platinum hair. If you want to do it, just do it. I don't let my hair grow out gray because I know for certain it would not look good on me and would not be a pretty platinum but rather a dull gray. Spoil yourself, it's your day!
Happy Birthday to you! I think you should absolutely go for that look - love it! You only live once! I look forward to the reveal :-)
LOVE those towels - I think I need a few for Stella by the Sea.
Happy birthday Hilary!
Do the hair if you want! I finally figured out, after years of trying photos of hairstyles, it's not just the style I want, I want to look like the model!
Wishing you many happy returns of the day!
I agree, you should try the platinum. If you love it, stick with it, if not, just let it grow out gracefully. (I'm also with deodar - I want not just the hairstyle, but the neck, the profile, the thinness of the models.:-)
Happy Birthday, Hilary! Enjoy your day!
Happy birthday!
Nothing more wonderful than gratitude and peace in your life.
My advice--don't dye your hair. It's a royal pain to keep up and looks weird growing out. Get a different hair cut or something.
Glad your hip is getting better. :)
I don't often comment on blogs and I am rather selective of those I read but I wanted to tell you how much I love your words and your outlook on life. I am constantly surprised at how you always have a beautiful thought to share. I tried a blog for awhile but I always felt I didn't have anything new to say. But I truly feel as if I "know" you from your down to earth- "real" words and your positive attitude. Thank you for being an inspiration to all of us who look forward to seeing how you are doing and what is going on in your life.
From a true fan.
Happy Biorthday, ay the coming years be as fulfilling as the past.
p.s. I have the same picture of a haircut in my wallet to show to the beautician that I go to !
Happy Birthday. I'm glad you're enjoying the important things. Your fabric work is so gorgeous. I drool every time I see new pieces.
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