It's not easy........I started this blog in I'm up to 2015, and I'm moving photos I want to a folder. It's interesting to see where I've been, photos are so revealing.
As I was going through it, I couldn't help but notice that so many of you have supported me through several years of my life, some of which were not easy.
I know I've said it before, but it bears repeating.
Thank you, for all your support, your advice, your kind words, for just being there, for listening.
Currently I am dealing with tendonitis in my hips....both, but much worse in the right one.
I know how it happened, but that doesn't really help me right now.
The offending "rug loom" will be fixed/ rigged so it doesn't cause such pain, or it will be gone.
I've had an injection...and now I'm going to PT. It's been suggested that I give up weaving for a month. And yes, I am on board with that. Does that tell you how much pain I am in????
I'm not's brutal. Keeps me awake at night.
I am finding other things to occupy me, so I am not making the hip issue any worse.
That weaving above, well, that will be sitting on the loom for a while, unless I can cajole L into finishing it for me.
She has been weaving ruanas............
This is a little on the heavy side......but boy those colors are something, aren't they?
I am thinking that a lot of dyeing could get done in the next month............
Recently this was given to me..........can I just say.....I LOVE old buttons. It's an illness, I think. But I do.
The new Lopi gas stove is a more hauling pellets, and no more dust from them.
I swear, pellets are just as dirty/dusty as burning wood.
And I think in the last three weeks since we got this, my headaches have been a bit sinus issues. That's crucial, to me.
Not to mention that it keeps the room the exact temperature you set it for, instead of having it be 80 degrees because the pellet stove was so hard to regulate.
So yes, that was a good move. Very happy with it.
There were a couple days, before the rain, when Naya and I were able to walk on the skidoo was packed just enough so that I didn't sink into it....and she loved it.
Now however, the fields, and the trails are mush/slush and not passable.
I have not minded this winter when I can get out and walk, but for the last couple of weeks, it's been very difficult......
Too much snow in the fields, the bike path isn't plowed.........the snow banks on the roads make walking on them treacherous....even the back/dirt roads are slick with ice, with mud on top.
Naya is not happy about it, and neither am I.
We need to work out a backup plan.
But it's February, right......spring can't be too far behind.
Can it?

Sorry to hear about the pain. Yes, Spring is not far away. So hang on in there.
I solved the problem of the icy side roads - Swedish Ice Bug boots. They have studs built right into the sole. As we've had freezing rain the last couple of days they've gotten a work out.
So lovely to read your news, Hilary. You never rest it seems. I wish I had your work ethic and stamina!
We are sweltering and flooded. Stock dying with no help from the government. Oh well a measley $200K. Townsville is 5 hours north of me and is like a war zone from flood damage. I am grateful for my home and its higher position. Love that garment on the hanger. Weight, colours are just right. Take care and I hope the headache is gone very soon. xx
I can totally relate... I had on my blog the Just KeepWalking Project. I walked EVERY>SINGLE>DAY< for 5 years. Until because of receptive movement I had a foot fracture and was told to completely STOP walking. I was very traumatized to do this as the walking was part of a post cancer treatment remedy. But I did stop walking for almost 2 months except very little. I'm back now walking, just not everyday. I walk mostly every other day and use the treadmill at the gym. It was a VERY hard lesson in giving up something I loved. But life does go on so to speak.
Sorry your hip(s) are so painful! Yes, winter is a good time to dye, as long as you have the space. But your dyeing space is freezing! Being the creative and don't-take-no-for-an-answer kind of woman you are, I'm sure you'll find a way. Early February is a trial in terms of weather, for sure. I had to not walk for a few days myself, as the ice was too treacherous. :-( I've gotta head back to work now.
I am sorry to hear you are in more pain. I am hoping the shot and taking a month off does the trick for you.
Your gas stove looks really nice. We really like ours.
Sorry to hear that you are in pain. That good olde saying rest will do a body good, is much more difficult to actually apply.
Couch rest and doggy snuggles hopefully will help.
Feel better soon.
Hi A friend said she thought you may be selling a 32H Louet Megado electronic interface loom. If so I am interested. I can send you my phone number. Lin Hightower I am so on Facebook. Thank you.
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