It's just proof ......further proof......that we never know what's going to happen.
Yesterday Lois and I were having lunch after weaving off the 4x6 rug warp on the Toika, when we noticed Kizzy lying on the living room floor about 8" away from Roy.
This was not a normal scenario. Kizzy might be in the same room as Roy, but on the other side of the room, watching him for any sign of movement.
L and I both reacted the same way.
I went and picked him up, he kind of leaned back in my arms like a baby. Lethargic, the only word that fits.
I remembered an ER doc who was teaching a PALS course, who told us not to ever use the word lethargic unless we REALLY meant it.
Lois immediately went to get the cat carrier out of the barn, and I called the vet. I took him there, where he stayed overnight.
Today, the prognosis was not good. He had pleural effusion, or in layman's terms, fluid around his lungs, so much that it obscured his heart on X-ray. They drew labs, and did another X-ray. One kidney had shrunk to almost nothing, and the other was incredibly huge. His kidney function was off the charts. The bottom line is that he probably had a tumor in his kidney, that was causing all the other problems. They highly suggested euthanasia.
They asked me if I wanted to be there.
I did.
He was about 4 months old.
From the very beginning, he was a prince. He was gentle, and sweet, and he remained that way always.
He never lost his "feral" characteristics, living in seclusion in the attic most of the day, coming down for food and an occasional "lounging around".
I often said he was the best indicator if someone was coming to the studio. If he heard a car turn into the driveway, he was gone.
I can't believe he's gone.......too soon, only 8 years old. But he had a good life, he was much loved, and he loved back.
Lois and I will miss him terribly, but poor Jinksie girl will miss him more.
He was her guy. And she doesn't know about life not being fair.
Rest easy, Kismet. I am so glad to have known you.

Hilary, I'm so sorry to read tonight about your loss of Kismet. I've been enjoying not only your blog and weaving for awhile now, but being a cat-lover, the wonderful photos and stories of your cats. Kismet was much loved, and blessed to have been in your studio/home.
I had to make that really hard decision about my 15-year old dog last month. I'm still dog-less, waiting for some fencing sections to be installed before I find my new canine companion, and it's quiet and lonely for sure. Once that fence is in, I'll be looking for an indoor/outdoor cat, too.
Animals. They sometimes tear our hearts out, but they also make us more human.
I am so sorry Hilary. I love your blog for so many reasons, but especially for your love of your dog and cats. I hope in time you open your door to more feral/rescue cats.
Broke my heart with this sad post. What a beautiful creature, gone too soon. Thank you for introducing us. :-(
I am so sorry...been there. A hard one.
I am so sorry, he was a beautiful cat. So hard to be without them when we are so used to having them be a part of our lives. He was lucky to have been rescued by you!
I am so sorry to read this post. It is so hard to lose a pet. It just makes the biggest hole in your heart. Purrs to you.
This is a tough post, to write and to read. So sorry that Kizzy has passed. You gave him a wonderful life. Thank you for lending him to us in your posts of him. I too will be missing him.
Oh dear, I am so sorry. He really lucked into an incredible life when he ended up in that trap - you gave him a wonderful life.
Such sad news....but, he sure had a good life with you. And, I have been blessed reading about his life in your blog. Thank you for sharing him with us for these many years.
Oh Hilary, I'm so sorry for your loss. Such a dear, sweet cat. It never gets easier, does it. These beautiful cats make their way straight to our heart and we love them as family. You did the right thing and now you will have to be content with all the wonderful memories of this sweet boy. Well, now it`s Jinksie that needs more love and attention. I wish there was some way of explaining to them where their friend has gone. This is always so tough. Sending a hug to you, Deb
Rest in peace, sweet Kizzy...I'm glad he found you and had such love in his too short life. Hugs, Hilary.
So very sorry.
Rest in peace sweet boy, you were a fine kitty !
{Hugs} Hilary.
A tearing my eye. . . I have lost beloved pets and will always miss them.
I'm so sorry, Hilary.
It is heartbreaking to lose one of our dear furry ones. You gave him a good life and he gave you his love and loyalty. He will be missed.
Please accept my condolences for the loss of your beloved Kismet. No matter how long we have our pets, it's never quite long enough.
So sorry to read about losing Kizzy. They take a chunk of our hearts with them. It is so hard to let them go even when we know it is best for them to be released from pain.
I'm so sorry for your loss. And it seemed he was caught by the right person years ago and loved all his days. We can't ask for more than that, can we?
Such terribly sad news! I remember reading the story recently about Kizzy getting out on the roof--it made me laugh. And now, this story made me cry. I know it's the price we pay for loving them . . . he was lucky to have you and you were lucky to have him.
So very sad for you. Take care.
Ohhhh, I'm so sad for you. Dear cat.
awww, so hard to lose our kitty kids. Hugs to you and Lois. He had a great life with you. Sorry.
I am so very sorry. But know that because of you,even though it was too soon, he had a great life. If you had not rescued him, he my not have lived 8 years even. July 25 I had to have my cat Gracie put to sleep. She was almost 20 years old. It is never an easy thing and it hurts so to lose them. Hugs to you and Lois.
I'm so so sorry.
So sad for the loss of your beautiful boy. All my cats have either been abandoned or feral and they all have their own problems with certain noises or people, but they have been given a second chance to have some happy years, and you have given your lovely boy eight years of a great life.
Ugh, so sorry- words we don't want to have to read either. Praying for comfort and peace to help you through the days, weeks, months ahead.
I saw this on FB the other day and just wanted you to know how my heart breaks for you and Lois. Although I haven't been online much lately, I loved seeing pictures of your kitties over the years and I will always remember your Big Boy. So sad for Jinksie.
Thinking of you, dear Hilary.
There have been quite a few sad days like this in my past.... no more pets for me, it's too hard. But my sons have dogs and cats and I love them as much as if they were mine. (the pets not the sons!) So sorry. This has made me sad, but I know that kitty had a better life than living on the streets.
I read your blog from the sidebar on "In Stitches" and I'm so sorry to read about your loss of your dear boy. Our pets do take up a spot in our hearts that is so empty when they are gone. I'm glad you were able to be there for him. T.
i am at the office so there's no crying but a lot of wet is happening in my eyes and my heart is broken for all of you .. what a sweet boy he was ... gone too soon ... xo
He was such a handsome tom, I know this must be so hard, so sorry to hear about this poor guy. Hope you are doing well, summer is slowly winding down and some of us are hanging on fiercely (me). This was my first summer retired, and boy, has it been busy. I love your new clam shell pattern and need to stop by for a visit soon.(Must touch them). Take care Hilary, will catch up soon.
Very sad. Losing a pet is like losing a best friend.
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