I was a bit surprised that it had been that long.
March 2015 has not been my most stellar month.
Truth is, I have mostly been on the couch, or slogging around, trying to get the smallest thing done.
First the hip, but honestly that didn't keep me down for long.
But the head cold? I don't know that "head cold" really covers it. I was really sick with it for SIX days, before I even had a glimmer of getting better.
And now, it is receding, but still I am miserable.
My rearranged HEAD and fused NECK are not made for coughing jags. They are truly not made for even an occasional cough here and there.
This viral entity is complete with vicious COUGH. So therefore, I have been plagued with a headache that rivals my post head injury headache of 4 years ago.
I have to tell you, in addition to stopping me cold, it has also brought back horrible memories, and stirred up lingering fears.
But I'm trying to move past them. I really am.
Above is the dish cloth that I have knitted in several different colors. I knit when sick.
My chicken feeder fix was a total success. They are not wasting one bit of their food. I am shocked at how well it works. Maybe I should patent it.
I have to get myself in the chicken coop to do some serious spring cleaning. That's at the top of my list.
Speaking of spring, and chickens:
All this feeling like crap, and being slowed down by my body that keeps reminding me I am not a spring chicken. I know I have talked a lot in the past three years or so, about downsizing, and changing things. My head injury and surgeries did "reboot" my brain, and made it quite obvious that I could not, and should not, continue on at the pace I had been keeping.
I am seriously changing the studio, and what I do, and I can't believe the change in my attitude. I keep telling myself that I don't need more, more, more.
That less can be MORE.
Maybe this is the new, rebooted me, after all.
I haven't been weaving on my AVL because of the hip, so I took all these towels off the cloth storage beam to get them hemmed.
I find that I no longer have the drive to do production weaving. I want to make what I want to make.
And that's it.
Maybe I'm ready to semi-retire. Maybe I want to do it on my terms.