First off, let me say that I do not take full responsibility for how spoiled ROTTEN they are.
One Miss L has had a lot to do with that, no matter how much she vehemently denies that she even LIKES them.
Anyway......they love their window seats, but they get nasty and covered with cat hair. Cleaning them is nearly impossible. So I went online to see if I could buy replacement covers.
I bought one for the square seat, $14.95, on Ebay.
But no oval ones. NONE.
So I went to Joann's Fabric Store, with my 40% coupon in hand, bought a yard of sherpa for $6.95,
brought it home, cut the old one apart to make a pattern, and then I made two of that yard.
And I am very happy with them.
Next 40% coupon I get, I am going to buy another yard, and keep it ON HAND.
Lois is making paper birch rugs from our new stash of loopers.
These make the best bath mats ever. These are 32"x 52", and maybe after these we will make some smaller ones.
Getting ready to live at the studio next spring, I am getting all sorts of things done over there.
So last night, after dinner, I met the man from AFSCO fencing. My plan is to fence in the side yard for my boy Roy, and of course, any future dogs. I will never be without a dog in my life. It just doesn't feel right.
But being that the studio is on a state highway, safety is the number one priority.
While I was waiting for him to come, I was wandering around outside, and found this behind the barn. It came from a florist friend who was going out of business, and it has been languishing for at least 6 years, until now, when it has a brand new purpose in life.
Oh, my how I love to repurpose things.
It was not in the chicken run for 50 seconds, before these two were up on it.
My chair is a popular hang out, too. Of course it is.
I love sitting out there with them, they are somehow so calming.
Yes, I have clicked with my chicks.
But how do you name them, when you can't tell them apart??
There are 5 of the yellow, buff orpingtons or buff rocks, who knows.
There are 3 of the Rhode Island Reds, and 3 of the Araucanas.
Then there is the barred rock, Vicky.
And the black Jersey Giant, Black Betty.
I think it is where I am meant to be.