I decided that I was going to make 20-22 of these new spring rugs......basically weave the 50 yards off the loom.
The warp is off white, and I love the way they look when they are done. They are fun to weave, too, headache or no headache.
I was pretty productive today, finished 5, and tied all the fringe.
We do actually have a game plan at Crazy as a Loom. Right now L is working on a 3 rug/runner order.
I am making container rugs........and when we are both freed up, we are going to make a 5x7 bright rug to finish off the warp on the Toika.
THEN, we are putting a warp on the Cranbrook for some double binding rugs, wait until you see these rugs....they are going to be awesome.
THEN, a bright white placemat warp, using some of that BLUE and WHITE fabric that I've been playing with in these rugs, you know...........like these dishes......
In between all this, we have kits to be made, Sweet Bottoms to be woven, Chunky rugs, etc.
I can't even think about how this headache has stolen TIME from me.
It would just make me feel bad.
Luckily, for me, I have this Nazi in my head. Seriously.
She is brutal. She rarely lets me rest, she freaks out if I start feeling sorry for myself. She
constantly pumps me up, keeps me positive.
If I start bitching about what is wrong, what makes me feel bad, she starts right in with the LIST.
The list of ALL that I have, and ALL that I am grateful for.
She's on my side, really.
It's just her way.
Weaving these rugs, is on my list of things I am so thankful for.
And then there's today....the only day I can really do.
It's mine, and I can handle it.
Not sure about tomorrow, but I can do today.
And who knows, it might be as good as today.
Or even better.

Those are gorgeous...and I'm glad you keep on doing and living, because it would be real easy to give up.
You gotta do whatever it takes ..
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