I feel compelled to warn everyone......this is going....no, this IS, a really bad year for ticks.
Kids that play outside need to be checked every night......
Adults that walk in the woods qualify, too.
And pets, always. Even if you put Frontline or similar products on them.......they still need to be checked.
On our day trip, we went to the Lake George Land Conservany 'Rookery'.
Herons like to nest in 'snags', tall trees over water with no foliage......this place is preserved for them.
We walked quite a ways to find it, and we I wanted to give up...... and then we were there.
We all stood in absolute quiet, in awe.
And the herons, well, they just watched us, to see. Friend or foe.
My camera click even sounded too loud.
In all the craziness that goes on in this world, the busyness, the worry...........here it is all about starting a family in the tops of these trees.
Living life as it comes. One minute at a time.
Doesn't that sound sweet?
They give new meaning to " high rise".
We could only stare with wonder at it all.
We didn't stay long, we felt like intruders, who were being tolerated for a look, but not invited to stay.
And we were ok with that.
My little hikers.
With their walking sticks.
All that hiking makes a body tired.
Loving my zoom lens.
Oh, yeah, after checking the kids for ticks, found out that one had lodged himself into my back.......so even old folks are fair game. Or maybe it is just that we are 'sweeter' with age.....you know, like cheese, or wine.....which I totally understand now.
Enjoy the view!!!

The high rises are very very cool. I would love to see that, but it sounds like you have to go in stealth mode.
Ticks? Oh yuck! Nasty little creatures.
Wow..these photos are beautiful. I have never seen such a thing. That is quite an sight to behold. Ticks are nasty. My youngest daughter, now 25 (gawd!) found a 3 lb. kitten in a bush a few years back and when we took it to the vet clinic it had 12 ticks on it's little body. Poor thing. He weighs 9 lbs. now and his name is Joe. Deb
THAT is Awesome!!!
We have herons here, only I see them flying or standing in water. I have never seen them in trees! I had no idea.
What incredible pictures. I've never seen anything like them
Thanks for sharing!
Glorious, every bit of it. (well maybe not the ticks). ~Lili
beautiful scenery.. just WOW... and I've never seen such a site as those "high rises" before... incredible.
And I'm contemplating a flock of guinea hens because of the da*n ticks. Ugh.
Thank you so much for sharing your photos. I never saw anything like this before! Each one has it's own floor! Nature is always amazing.
What a beautiful place.
We had a heron rookery on an island in the river we walk by, but last May, a tornado wiped it out. It was so sad, herons that were out hunting, were flying around confused, looking for their mates.
Happily, they are roosting in an island a few miles south.
I Hate Ticks!!!
I do love love love the pictures from your corner on our country, but then I remind myself how much I love love love living without ticks.
What an amazing spot. I love the Heron Highrise. Great blues are among my favourite creatures. Beautiful place.
oh so lovely ... my parents condo in Florida was across a canal from a nature preserve and the tall trees along the canal were where the herons nested .. so while I've seen high rises like these before I've never seen them all occupied.
Thanks for sharing all of the beautiful pictures. The heron high rises are just amazing ... I'll pay more attention when hiking in areas where they may live. Too cool!
Beautiful! We've tried to find the rookery around here, but they've hidden themselves way away. We "chased" a couple down the river while we were out paddling yesterday.
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