Sometimes it's good to get out of Dodge.
Even if you have to take the monster with you.
Even though it was pretty warm out, the sun kept hiding, and the overall look of the world was gray.
Or was that my headache??
Anyway, I'm still on my feet, and still taking pictures.
That's a good sign.
I dropped some rugs off at Sweet Cecily, a sweet little shop on Main Street in Middlebury, Vt. I love thid shop, and not just because they sell my Solmate sock rugs. They have so many neat things, and the owner, Nancy, makes the most divine greeting cards. I could spend hours in there. So if you are ever in the area, make sure to get there.
In the summer, you can go out on their screened porch, see it there on the left?? It overlooks the Otter Creek River falls.
We had a nice lunch, one of my daughters, and my mother. We did a little shopping.
I bought some yarn.
YES, I need yarn.
On the way home, we took a drive over the new Crown Point Bridge. It's how folks in the north country get from New York to Vermont, and back again.
There used to be a toll booth, but now it's free.
It spans Lake Champlain, at the site of Fort Crown Point.
Not a perfect day, but hey, you have to take the bad with the good, right?
Listen, don't think that I am a dynamo. Please. Don't imagine that I am oblivious to pain, just practicing my super hero status here.
I am battling a freaking dragon of a headache. I get up in the morning, and am amazed that it is still with me. Every day. So I go through the motions, and get myself going. I go to the studio, and no matter how bad it is, I tell myself to just try to do something.
Get one thing done, no matter how small.
Some times that works.
Some days, it gets better, and I stay.
Some days it just wears me down, and I go home.
L covers the bases for me on those days, and keeps the fires burning.
I try not to let it get me down.
Some days I am successful with that, some days not so much.
On occasion, I go off and try to act normal, have lunch with a friend, take the day.
Some times it's ok, some times not so much.
Have you ever known anyone who longs for a big sharp needle in the neck????
Well, you do now.

Long bridges freak me out just a little. I would rather go over a short bridge or none at all....or fly to Vermont:-)
That's a beautiful bridge! Great pics. Here's to hoping those injections do the trick. Take Roy with you, he can't be beat for comfort and hugs after a difficult doctors appt. and I'm sure he'll enjoy waiting in the car.
Now matter how bad you feel, you still take great photos. Thanks for that. I hate crossing bridges. It's like a nightmare for me. Pretty to look at, though. Give Roy boy a hug and here's one for you, too. Feel better soon. Deb
you still amaze me...
Yikes. Feel better soon, girly. Love the photos.
You see, the thing is that I can imagine myself just curling into a ball and wanting to die. It scares me to think of having something hurt this long - in my head, for God's sake - and not to have relief. I am praying that your appointments next week, and the ones after that continue to help get this monster out of your head.
DS in VT worked on that bridge for a bit from the VT side. Then,the Summer of 2010, we climbed the lighthouse at the Park. What is special about that? I'm afraid (terrified)of heights...and I DID IT! Now I want to climb some of the Adirondack peaks! The bridge is very pretty, as bridges go... I can't wait to come North again! I want to stop and see you (I will call first) and I want to stop at so many shops! You live in such a beautiful place! On my bucket list is to climb those peaks to prove to myself I can do it! Even one...I'm tired of being afraid and not being able to enjoy things with the family. There are too many beautiful views that I've missed through the years. I've had shots in my shoulders for pain. It's not fun, but the pain is mostly gone, unless I provoke it too much. Courage, my've gone this far with so much pain...the end of the tunnel is near. What are you going to knit? Where did you buy it? I'm always on the lookout for yarn shops! Not all the good ones have websites.
That bridge is a beauty, I don't think I've seen it in person.
The sharp needle? not so much. I sure hope it brings you relief.
You live in such a picturesque area! I love your pictures!
I've been whining about my knees, but a big sharp needle in the neck sounds worse than the big sharp needles in the knee I've been getting. I've decided to follow your lead and soldier on! This weekend - clean this pit of a house and put a new warp on my loom. Onward, even if I scoot around the house on an office chair!
You are just an energizer bunny... you keep going and going and going....
Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard
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