If I don't get it, it will be nothing short of a miracle.
My daughter bought me some garlic, at Trader Joe's.........she wanted me to try this "new thing".
Then she whipped them up in her food processor.
She took the resulting mashed garlic and put it in a large, zip lock bag, and smashed it out flat.
I took it home, and when it was frozen solid, I peeled the bag off it.......chopped it up into squares, and put it all in another zip lock.
Now, when I make soup, I only have to grab out however many squares I think I need.
I have to tell you, it's pretty awesome. Cheating maybe, but awesome still.
Weaving on the David is really sweet. I do love that little loom.
I have loved it even more after I put a little silicone spray on the rods that the beater bar slides on.
Now it really weaves like a dream.
This is the progression of the warp that is on it.
I think it's going to be a möbi shrug.......it's washed and dried and pressed, and waiting for me on the sewing table.
This piece is cotton hemp hand dyed warp, with a hunter green tencel weft.
This piece was a warp on the Wolf Pup that I was playing with, and it ended up being 240" long.
These are the last of the towels off the AVL.
Back to yardage.
Walking anywhere around here is treacherous........this snow is heavy, slushy, with ice underneath.
The side roads are muddy all along the shoulders. Yesterday, we had to come in and head straight for bath time. Naya wasn't happy.
I started doing some dyeing today. I need a new batch of weft colors, and hand dyed warps, too.
Dyeing is doable in the sewing room, in small batches, but will be so much nicer when it warms up some.
I ordered supplies today, being hopeful, I guess.
I have struggled with wanting a second dog, and not knowing if it's the right thing to do. Plus DH keeps looking at dogs that are way, way too young, annoying since I am the one who does ALL the dog walking.
My daughter was up over the weekend, with her dog who is not yet a year old. They stayed over Saturday night, and by the time she left Sunday morning, I swear that if Naya could talk, she would have said, "Thank the Lord."
She was definitely a bit jealous, and it was obvious that her patience was being tried a lot of the time.
These two have a nice relationship. They don't cuddle up together, but they are kind to each other, and they seem to respect the other's right to all sleeping places.
They even share food.
Go figure.
Sydney, however, is the boss.
And Naya is ok with that.

I love the painted warp - truly beautiful. And the close up shows me that there aren't any long floats, at least not on the surface that shows.
I used to do that with garlic. Honestly, I think I prefer just smashing and chopping as I need it, so that's what I do these days.
Wishing you health (a hex on the flu), dry roads, and springtime flowers.
I had a stomach bug, that was miserable enough. I hope you avoid the flu!
I'm thinking your household is very contented with the dog and cats that reside there now. You might regret mixing it up ... and adding chores to your list. Says the woman with four dogs. But still!...
Sweet cat/dog story. Personally, I would let Naya finish the life she has spent this long making.
Naya is smart, she got that its Syd's house and is respectful of that ... there might be an older dog who needs a home vs a pup whose energy is sweet but exhausting ..
I’ve just recently found your blog. I’m a beginner weaver, maybe that’s why I connected with your work. I love the hand dyed warps. I find the movement of colours mesmerizing! Every time you show a project in progress, i just want to ask: please show me how!
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