I guess I wasn't very good at explaining.
I loved the Louet Octado.....it was a beautiful loom to look at, and a beautiful loom to weave on.
There was a learning curve, after weaving on an AVL for a long time, but it was lovely overall.
So why did I get rid of it???
Well, to be honest, I thought Lois was going to weave on it most of the time. I thought she would like not having to remember her treadle sequence.
But then, Lois still has a flip phone. So WTH was I thinking?????
Nope, she's perfectly happy to weave on the loom with NO computer, no bells, no whistles. And I respect that. It's fine.
So that left me.
And I love my AVL....I would rather weave on it, than anything.
So after much thought, I decided to sell it......it did take up quite a bit of space, and irritated me because it sat there unused.
I thought that perhaps in the future sometime I would try to get a Louet David.......nice size, no computer, 8 harness, and I had heard lovely things about how lightly it treadled. Plus, since I am a Louet dealer, having it in the studio might help me make some sales.
As it turned out, the lady from Maryland who bought the Octado, was thinking of selling her David.
So she bought the Octado. And I bought the David, and she brought it with her when she came to pick up the Octado. It was kind of meant to be.
I also like the idea of having a loom I can weave on if my compudobby has any issues.......or the power goes out!!!
So far, I LOVE it. I just wove off 18 yards of cotton in baby blankets, and I must say, it is a dream to weave on.
It is definitely a keeper.......I think I like it better than the Octado.
This is my Saturday morning view. Naya likes her morning nap, resting up for our jaunt over the tundra.
Could I love her more?????
I doubt it.
I did a little retail therapy yesterday, not my usual thing, but like I said, winter is getting to me.
I shop with "purpose"....meaning I know what I want, I am in and out of the store in as short a time as possible.
I needed a new pocketbook.
I also bought myself four pairs of pajama bottoms........
And a $2 cup, which I did not need for one second.
But hey.
It spoke to me.
There is something about a cuppa tea in a brand new cup.
Sometimes, I get sad about my two granddaughters who just turned 14 and 15.
They used to be at my house all the time. They thought Mimi was the coolest person EVER.
We played, and baked, we went to the movies, picked flowers. They exhausted me and I loved it all.
I felt like the paparazzi following them around.
Now of course, they are busy.....and I have apparently lost my coolness.
I barely see them, and when I do, they are halfway into their phones.
So thank you universe, because I get at least two more goes at this ...........and I am soaking up every minute I can.
Here is one of them.
Sticking around to see as much of their lives as you can, loving how important you are in their eyes.
The other day, I arrived at my daughter's house, and my 2 year old grandson saw me, screamed "MIMI" and ran down the hall to me, threw himself in my arms, and kept his head on my shoulder for a good 10 minutes.
Can hearts explode from pure joy??
Sometimes people will say to me: I don't know how you manage, how you go on, day to day, with that headache.
My answer is simply, that it's an equation.
You put the headache into the equation, with what you love about your life, what inspires you, what makes your heart full, brings tears to your eyes, and damn, if that headache doesn't get XXXXed/cancelled right out.
Every time.
And I used to hate algebra.

Your post made me smile! Thank you.
This post brought tears to my eyes. You are so fortunate, all things considered, and I am fortunate to have your posts show up in my news feed. I love Naya, too. :-)
It’s hard when the granddaughter who couldn’t spend enough time with you becomes a teen and has no time to spare, not even for Grandma. No more Grandma Camp - but there’s a light on my horizon in the form of a new granddaughter due in three weeks, and we will be watching her two days a week. I hear you, loud and clear!!
I remember when Dale was just a wee thing! She is beautiful and growing way too fast!
Your life is blessed with these wonderful grand babies...even though a couple of them aren't babies anymore!
Love wins :-)
teen agers ... my dad used to say when i was little he was the smartest man in the world and as i got older he got less smart til suddenly i grew up and he was once again smart ... take comfort, they'll grow up and soon you will be cool again .. til then you have two adorable pre-pre-teens to adore you!
I have this observation to offer. You have children and the real bonus is the grandchildren. They are the whipped cream on top of the sundae. I had no problem with raising my son, in fact I love just being with him. But the grandchildren (same age as your older ones) are the best. I love them to pieces. God's Blessing. It was such a surprise to me, I thought I was too young but wow - it is the greatest !!!
I have begun following you. I love your posts and insights! and I'm interested in your weaving, and looms. I have just bought one (Tools of the Trade) because it was for sale only one hour away. Now I'm taking a class on a class 4-shaft loom, and repeating the steps on my own loom to make sure I know how to warp it, etc. So I'm a rank beginner, but I like to see what you are making.
I used to follow your blog when your oldest granddaughters were small. Then stopped blogging for several years. Really enjoyed reading about them, because my only grandson was so little at the time. Now both of our grandkids live far away, and we don't see them very often. I am familiar with that sadness,now and am happy that you have two more to enjoy. Our very sweet, loving shelter dog and cat are willing to help fill the missing spaces,in a way.
Where do you find your sewing patterns for your handwoven garments and bags? Am wanting to weave some yardage on my rigid heddle loom and make up some unique bags from it.
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