Playing with some scraps of fabric that I wove, and in this case, felted by accident........I made some mittens.
An old friend stopped by and fell in love with them, and left with them and a hood/scarf combo as well.
She always makes me smile.
No snow in these parts, but it has been very cold.
The fields are finally frozen, so the "poop trucks" are sailing by daily, from the huge manure pits a few miles down the road, to distribute their loveliness onto the bare meadows.
Naya and I walk the hedgerows, when we walk close to home, so it's ok.
The snowmobile trails have been cleaned out, so we walk those too. I am hoping that with some snow, and the end of hunting season, we can walk in their paths.
This was a gloriously sunny, if cold, day. There hasn't been a lot of sun since the first of
If you look close, you can see the heron. Naya and I were quiet, and he let us pass without flying away.
A trip to my daughter's, where my grandson has learned how to turn on the lights to the tree, and takes great pride in doing so.
I did some weaving on the Union Custom about three weeks ago........made some rugs.
For you weavers out there, you know what I mean when I say that the treadles are hooked at the back of the loom, thus requiring one to raise their hips to put their feet on the treadles each time.
Apparently, that is a motion that MY hips do not like.....because after two days of it, my hips were on fire.
An ortho visit revealed that I have TENDONITIS in BOTH hips.
Good God. Really?????
Isn't a 7 year headache enough pain for one person?
I know, I doesn't work that way. Oh, that it could.
So I am staying away from any movement that aggravates my hips ......and hoping that some PT and anti-inflammatories might actually help.
The future of the Union Custom is hanging in the air.......but if I can't figure out how to weave on it without causing this again, it will be moving on. That makes me so sad.......that old loom has been with me since my weaving life began.
If it goes, I will have to do a background check on the new owner. Bwahhhhh.
Three nights this week, I spent winding balls of yarn......5-6 strands wound together to use on the shuttle to make rugs......this time on my AVL, with the elift.
Cleared out three totes of yarn that I've been hanging onto for no particular reason, made space in the pantry/halfbath/storage room, and felt quite proud of myself for having the idea.
It doesn't take much to amuse me, maybe that's a good thing.
As always, Miss Naya is my shadow......I am not sure how I lived without her....some days, I can't imagine that I ever did.
sweet Naya...
listen, i take a daily dose of magnesium chelate - 400MG - for my hips which have had issues since it feels like forever but it started w/menopause .. anyway it helps .. try it ..
I remember you were hesitant to adopt because you felt there was just no way to fill the hole in your heart that Roy's passing left. Of course we don't get over the loss of our loved ones, but we get past the worst of it at least... and a new "love" fills a whole new space in our hearts with that joy once again. So glad you took the leap of faith.
I don't know the Union Custom, so this is just a shot in the dark. Is it possible that you could change the hinging of the treadles to the front? I did the opposite to one of my looms when I needed to add extra treadles.
Please post pictures of the rugs with the multi strands of yarn, I'd love to see them.
Naya is a love, such a pretty girl, so glad you adopted her. How are the cats? Have you taken in anymore strays?
Best regards, Nancy
Can’t wait to see the rugs made with those multi-strand yarn balls. They’re beautiful sitting in their bin, so will surely make a stunning rug!
Thanks for letting us tag along on your winter walk.
Your friend looks like a hoot . . . good friends are truly gifts from heaven.
Merry Christmas!
Connie :)
She is just beautiful.
Naya is a beauty, Hilary. I love all the gorgeous photos on your walks. And as lovely as they are, they leave me with a bit of sadness as I think of all the long walks with our Kane. Such good yet sad memories at the same time.Dogs really do steal your heart.
You could use a bit of snow there for Christmas. We, too, may end up without our usual white Christmas after the loads of snow we have already had. It felt like spring today.
I hope you are enjoying the lead up to the holidays. I'm sure the little grands are losing sleep from all the excitement. lol
Sending you good wishes for the Christmas season, Hilary
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