Easy to think the worst. But I'm really trying not to go there.
I eat these like M & M's......they are so good.
Since I don't have weaving to fill up my days, I find other little projects to occupy myself.
These pictures were in a box on the floor.....thought it was time they went up.
I had some sewing to do.......something that be done without sitting at the machine for long.
This is what's on the loom....sitting untouched right now.......I call it "ladybug".
When I find myself getting down about the state of my head, I open photos on my phone, and peruse pictures of these two........it reminds me every time that sticking around with a headache is a better option than not being here at all.
This is a little dark, but you get the idea.......Sydney laying her full weight on my shoulder. My daughter saw it and said, "wow, that can't be good for your neck."
Ha! She's like a heating pad, actually.
Another little time killer, finishing another short sleeve sweater for my daughter.
And dyeing is a job that I can do....if I only do one batch and quit.........so this was today's inspiration.
I finally got the Structo threaded.....while I'm not a fan of table looms, this one is just too darn sweet.
I love feeling "lighter". In truth, it's not as hard as I thought it would be. 20lbs gone is like FOUR bags of sugar taped around my body.......not there anymore.
No wonder I feel better.
Tonight I made a stir fry.........spinach, asparagus, mushrooms, onions, a little garlic, and some brown rice.
It was SOOOOOO good.
Tomorrow is my youngest daughter's birthday........I gave her a choice of desserts.......she picked pumpkin cheesecake....which is cooling as I write.......I just hope it's as good as it smelled baking...........I'll have to leave the entire thing at her house......I do love pumpkin!!!
Pictures to follow though.
Here comes the weekend, again.......does it seem like it comes around faster and faster???

Good for you on losing the weight. It sure seems like that went fast! I also snack on those delicious peas. I'm trying to break some bad habits and it helped that I woke up one night recently with a bout of acid reflux from too much sugar. It was horrible and I stopped some things right then and there.
I so hope they can do something to help your head, but in the meantime you are certainly keeping yourself busy. I planted some of those sugar snaps myself and have been enjoying them very much. I've got my fingers crossed and wishing you the very best of outcomes. Happy birthday to the youngest. :-)
ooh that food sounds delish! I'm going to throw together that combination. Yum. And I've made the pumpkin cheesecake.. it's so good.
"The Wait" is what I find most exasperating when dealing with doctors and medical issues. The runaround and hoop jumping is most irritating to me. Hope the wait isn't too stressful, and results have a fix. And as a very smart lady told me "Be tough, you can do this".
Wishing your daughter many happy returns of the day, and you a cure!
Hilary, I know what you mean when you say about the bumps in the road. There is always something around the corner isn't there?
So sorry you have this outsize headache and I do hope they can help you with it.
The dyeing looks wonderful and vibrant, my friend and I went on a dyeing study day a few weeks ago to learn how to do it. We used heat reactive dyes. What sort do you use?
Congratulations on losing weight. I am on the same road.
Hope you are better very soon.
Bev in Britain.
i love pumpkin too ...
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