My new normal makes me sometimes very reflective, more than usual. So I come here, to tell you all about it.
Thrilling, right?
My friend, Linda, in Georgia, is obsessed with decorating for Christmas. She has trees everywhere, inside, outside, even in her bathroom.
I admit that I don't get it, and every time we talk, she can't help but refer to my grinch-like approach to Christmas.
Well, truth be told, I have thought a bit about a "little" decorating. Believe me, it would not satisfy her holiday frenzy, but it works for me.
While I was searching for the few, VERY FEW, Christmas decorations that I kept, I found these.
I made a bunch of them 20 years ago, and these two are left.
I put a warp on the Wolf Pup this morning, for Lois to make placemats on.
Then I took Roy for a damp, cold walk.
Outside chores earlier this morning, on this gray day, convinced me that it was a good day to stay inside.
Besides, my neck is calling the shots today.
Sydney is my idol.
Even more than Roy. He's good, but she has this relaxing thing down pat.
I found another one of my craft ventures from way back. This seems the perfect place for it.
Aren't I festive????
Lately I've been in the mood to go through drawers, and cupboards, sifting through magazines and papers and pictures and other stuff that I brought over here in the spring.
Time to peruse it and ditch a lot of it.
I did NOT ditch this recipe I found for cranberry scones.
I added slivered almonds.
DH will say they are bland, but I'm an English girl at heart, and they are perfect in my opinion.
This is what a perfect Sunday afternoon looks like.......comfy couch, animals lying around snoozing, stuff to read, my knitting, and blissful quiet. The pellet stove keeps the living room toasty, and what more could I ask for?
Less headache? Well, yes, always that.
Brooke wants fuchsia. Here's the first one.
MIss Puss is feeling much, much better since her dental surgery last Monday.
While she may never really like sharing her house with other cats and a dog, she does seem a bit more laid back.
Nothing like a cuppa tea with my scone.
Life is good.

I didn't realize Miss Puss had dental surgery. I'm glad she's feeling better. I have a feeling Sierra has that ahead of her. LOVE the stockings. They are gorgeous. And yes, I'll have a scone, thanks. Deb
Sounds like a cozy and relaxing December've got an awesome stitching spot! Gotta admire that Sydney! :-)
Please pass the scone and some devon cream. Miss Sid looks so warm and comfy.
scones look yummy .. and your idea of decorating is perfect ... less is definitely more
Beautiful stockings--no one can relax like a cat. Hope your kitty is feeling better after her dental surgery
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