I see it as mostly retail promotional manipulation, and I refuse to get involved.
I love the sentiments: Joy Peace Love...........but shouldn't those be in our cross-hairs ALL year long?
Not just at Christmas?
I did put up a few small decorations, the few I kept when we moved. I did it mostly for the kids, so that when they come they can see that Mimi does actually have a Christmas tree, even if it is only 20" tall.
I am giving them cards with cash for Christmas, so they can buy what they want and take advantage of January sales, and get MORE for their money.
We do have a lovely Christmas get together, with good food, and a Chinese auction. We do two of them really, one with a nice gift, one with a gag gift. The kids love it.
Getting together, being with family that I love so dearly, is what it's all about for me. It doesn't matter what the holiday is, or the reason. Being with them, loving them, is all of it.
So, this morning over coffee, I decided that I should do a Christmas giveaway. If you are a follower, and you must be to throw your name in the hat, you know what my recent circle dish towels look like.
My Christmas gift/giveaway to you is one of those towels. I will use Random.org on Tuesday night the 15th to draw the winner.
All you have to do is leave a comment telling me what kinds of things you would like to read about on my blog in 2016, or why you read it at all.
Just picking your brains a bit.
Be a follower, and comment. How easy is that???? I wish I could send you ALL a gift, for sticking around, and making me think even for a moment that I have something worth saying.

I enjoy reading your blog. You struggle whith a real hardship in your life yet manage to get so much done even when you are cutting back. I find that very inspiring so what ever you write is good, just keep blogging.
Love the name of your blog. You tell it like it is~and don't sugar coat things. You have become a friend, even though you don't know me. So whatever you want to write about is OK with me. Enjoy your family every single day!
Oh Hilary, you always have something worth saying. For 2016, I just want more of that from your down-to-earth, beautiful blog.
What I most wish for your blog is less because you are out living life with those kids and grands! ;-)
Do what you wish and post when you want. And for the record, you are much less grinch than I am! ;-)
I have been reading your blog for several years and enjoy seeing what you are creating, reading about the kitties, about your family and the areas you visit and post pictures of. I admire how you stay so positive in dealing with the health problems you have had. I absolutely agree with that the retail hype of Christmas is NOT what it's about. I knit and make decorative painted wood items for all my gifts and enjoy doing that instead of getting crushed in a mob of shoppers. In addition, this year my daughters and I made wreaths and goats milk soap together. So much fun! Please keep blogging, so many of us enjoy YOU!
I so look forward to reading your blog. I admire the way you have handled your medical issue and have inspired me to start simplifying my life. My priority had always been my family and 2015 has brought many challenges as my 27 year old daughter has been battling oral cancer and I am primary caregiver. Money has been an issue as we delve into out retirement fund while I take time off from work. I've done things this year that I never thought I would (clean trach, dress skin grafts,or and drive the 72 mile trip in all kinds of traffic and weather to Philadelphia where all treatments and surgeries have taken place). You have inspired me to keep going this to will end. I look forward to your postes. I hope you continue into the new year as I continue to downsize and take the pressure off. I'm going to take some time to cross stitch now. Thank you for the chance to win one of your beautiful towels!
Hugs, Rose
Love your sense of humor, energy, outlook on life...and what's new in your qeaving world.
I love your weaving and wast to see where you take it in 2016.
I've also enjoyed seeing the posts about your life. So whatever you post is great with me.
I wish you much happiness in 2016!
I read you before and read you after. I admire your coping. And your socks monkeys. I have 2. :)
Don't think you need to change a thing about your blog. I just enjoy the journey.
I have loved reading about your one crazy life! I think what I have enjoyed most is your most recent posts of a more laid back life. There is a sense of contentment in your writings. I have ordered the loopers from you when you were selling those and enjoyed seeing all the different projects you have completed. Please keep writing in your blog. I look forward when I get notification there is a new posting. Thanks,Pam
I enjoy reading your blog because I love your weaving. I can never get enough of seeing them. I also enjoy your humor and positive spirit.
Hi, well firstly I'd like to say that your mascot phrase: 'Tell me what you'd like to do with your one wild and precious life.' is endlessly inspiring for me! I have googled the original author and have this message up on the wall at my workplace. I am also inspired by your efforts to live positively with chronic pain and with your downsizing efforts. Of course your beautiful hand weavings are the initial and enduring draw. Thank you!
Your Christmas sounds a lot like ours, only our tree is way too large for out little house - just the way Ian likes it. There are no gifts under the tree because that's the way we like it too. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are family and food too - just the way we like it :)
The cats and your house of looms is what drew me to your blog. Always enjoy that and the wonderful photos of the area you live in.
Hilary I have long enjoyed reading your blog, especially love reading about what you are doing in the weaving studio. Love the cat stories and really like all the great food ideas you come up with. Whatever you write will be great, whenever you get a chance to write will be great too! I wish you a warm and cozy Christmas. Pet Roy for all of us.
I live vicariously through your creativity! I love your "I won't let this get me down " spirit. Just write what you feel like!
I live vicariously through your creativity! I love your "I won't let this get me down " spirit. Just write what you feel like!
I have been following you for some time now.... years I think. I have always admired your down to earth sensibilities and pragmatic approach to life. You have had some hurdles, and so have I.... and seeing you work through yours helped me get through mine with grace. (I hope I was able to help you)
Like you I'm aging and coming to terms with it. We both have lost parents recently, both gained a grandchild. We are more alike than we realize despite time and distance and locale.
I also have fallen out of love with the Christmas hype.....its simply too much of everything, and not enough of anything. Its mind boggling that is all this for simply one day. Life is a 365/ 24/7 deal. Be real every day.
I read your blog because I like you and feel that we are somewhat like minded in our views on life. And of course I love your creations. Life can be hard at times, we all struggle in some way, but we persevere. Enjoy your family!
I fell out of love with the Christmas hype years ago, although I must say I still enjoy the decorating and the partaking of food part :)
Mince pies, trifle and sausage rolls, it just wouldn't be Christmas without all the food indulgence.
You seem to be very productive these days, creating your beautiful sweaters and throws, I think the downsizing fits you well !
The reason i read your blog is because Hilary of The Smitten Image commended you so highly, and i agree with her assessment. Also i love seeing pictures of your life, and i've put you and your headache trouble on my permanent prayer list.
I have read your blog for years and appreciate your honesty. I have had terrible stresses in my life this past year and reading your blog helps me--thank you.
I just enjoy your style, period. You are a very classy woman who takes what is best in life and emphasizes it as you express yourself in your weaving, your lifestyle, your love of family, your blog, and your commitment to making the best out of life at all times. You cope and survive, making the changes that allow you to manage, turning the pain and stress into a softer, better, slower life, while realizing what your real priorities are and the order in which they belong. I enjoy your blog and love your weaving and while I look forward to reading about you and yours, I respect your priorities and understand when you don't blog or should you decide to not blog at all. I would miss it, but be happy for you anyway. Thank you for the sharing!
I look forward to each and every one of your posts, because what you have to say is very much worth it! I cheer you on, I cry with you, I clap my hands when there is something exciting going on...I love all your furbabies and especially your grands! What you say holds so much truth for me.
I started following you when I was starting to weave. My weaving has been sporadic, since I have moved three times and not always able to have my loom with me. I have on the other hand always had my computer and was always able to keep up with those blogs I follow. Yours, of course, is one!
That being said...Merry Christmas and very Happy New Year!!!
You are honest and say what you mean and mean what you say. You remind me of my own Mom.
Yep, we're in agreement although I love buying just the exact right gift for a person. I don't care if it's from the thrift store, if it's just the right gift and I make a lot of my gifts. I'm having give away's all month long so come on by.
Merry Christmas!
I am not entering the drawing because I won last year's, and I want someone else to have the pleasure. I adore my dish towel; it's so lovely in my kitchen, and far nicer than anything I've ever seen or felt that was mass-produced. I think of you frequently because of it. I appreciate you and your blog and your gorgeous photos so much. Merry Christmas to you and your family and fervent wishes for a pain-free new year.
Always love to read your posts....appreciate your talent and your diligence! Christmas should always be about what's in your heart <3 ......Blessings....Shine
I hope to find new inspirations on your blog in 2016 as I did so far. Wish you all the best.
I love seeing your weaving and your photos and reading about your life. More of the same, please.
I enjoy people that are authentic, genuine, artistic...witty, clever and impatient with doctors and their diagnosis. Sounds a lot like you, and you are an inspiration to many, including me! Merry Christmas to all residing in your wonderful home!
Hilary, thank you for the giveaway. I always love to see what you're weaving. I love to see your dog and cats (you haven't rescued a stray in a long time!) and I love the outdoor pictures.
I kept my floor loom for years because your blog so inspired me, but I finally sold it after not using it either :) But I purchased myself a rigid heddle loom instead, because you are still inspiring me (and it's easier to warp).
Keep writing! Nancy Mc
I've been following your blog for years. I started because I liked to read about your weaving, but now it's so much more. I love the pictures of your beautiful historical home, the countryside, your vacations, family and your genuine honesty. I check your blog every day. Wishing you a very happy and peaceful Christmas.
Your walks are always a delight, love when you share those photos, your drives, too. Also love how honest you are about your headaches. It is a visual treat for you to take us through your studio with the gawjus colors and the comfy home decorations. TY.
As a (not very accomplished) weaver myself, I love reading about your weaving and seeing pictures of what you've woven. I'm alway so impressed! These days, I've been exploring Saori weaving, a Japanese philosophy that pretty much says "anything goes!" That means even when I made threading errors (and I make so many threading errors!), it's OK and I can keep weaving!
Hi Hilary,
I love your writing style. While I originally started following your blog for the weaving, now I follow because I like you and your insights move and inspire me - as well as your weaving projects.
I appreciate the effort involved in writing and sharing. Dont think its in me to do it. I know you'll keep on, keeping on, and hope you'll continue sharing it through your blog.
Hi Hilary,
I love your writing style. While I originally started following your blog for the weaving, now I follow because I like you and your insights move and inspire me - as well as your weaving projects.
I appreciate the effort involved in writing and sharing. Dont think its in me to do it. I know you'll keep on, keeping on, and hope you'll continue sharing it through your blog.
I don't think you are a grinch!!
amazing the # of comments one gets with a give-away ...
i read your blog because i love seeing Roy and all the cats and hearing about L and your grands and which loom is moving where and of course to see what you're cooking or weaving ....
Finding a blog post from you always brings a bright light of joy to my day. Whether you are showing us a new project on the looms or just finished, a wonderful food you have prepared, your most adorable granddaughter or landscape shots from a good walk or a boat ride, I am always thrilled to be reading your words. Your celebration of all things in life is pure delight for me.
I love the way you honestly share your life. It is a process albeit different from another but yet the same....making the most of each moment with the best of our abilities at any one point in time on our journey. You seize your moments and share. I wouldn't have it any other way. The optimism you find in adversity is inspiring 'because every thread counts'. Continue as you are because you do it so well and touch so many. I wish for you and your loved ones the warmth and love of this sharing season always.
ps A while back I signed up for your rug camp and it got cancelled( perhaps it was the very last one scheduled). It was a disappointment to not have that time to experience you and your world. I, however, have come to realize that I have always had the benefit of feeling at home with you through your blog. My many thanks.
I am recently retired. I found your blog looking for weaving inspiration. I saw your circles weaving and immediately went to Pinterest looking for a circle draft I could use on my eight shaft. I am also in a caretaker role. I appreciate hearing your perspective on change as I adjust to the changes in my own life.
Hilary! just keep rolling with your normal blog... I love the insights, the humanity, the WEAVING and just sharing life..... hope I win! Your friend and fellow weaver ~CarolB
Merry Christmas.
Sometimes its hard to know what to do and what not to. I know you would be dearly missed if you stepped away from sharing your words & pics & weaving & life, your ups and downs with us, the good stuff and the tough stuff. My wish is that you do whatever is best for you in your head and heart. I know, like so many others who look forward to your blog, I would really miss you. Wishing you joy and peace and comfort this Holiday season.
Hi Hilary, Check for your blog everyday.....We have reached an age of change,,, I have moved up near you! I hope to get over there when you are open. I moved my loom with me- 100 miles with a warp on,, opened it up and was ready to go. My dear friend Sharon K had got it ready and not a broken thread!! Better health and have a peaceful and joyous Holiday!
Deb of cobleskill, now argyle
I love reading about your day-to-day activities. As a former English teacher and school librarian, I can tell you that you are a very good writer! I also read your blog because you are such an inspiration to me. We all have tough days, but you get though some very difficult times with such grace,
Thank you for your blog-
I love to read about the cats and Roy, but I really come for the weaving and your transparency. May 2016 be a year filled with joy and no headaches.
Hi! I originally started following your blog because I really connected with your medical struggles, as a two time cancer survivor myself. But I quickly came to love the honest picture of your life - the weaving and other projects, the pets/animals, the cooking, the walks, and I especially love the pictures of your home. Your blog is one of my top two favorites that I follow. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself!
Oh Hilary- I simply show up here, for YOU. Your perspective on life, and how you choose to live it, despite all the hard that comes your way. You still thrive! And in turn, I take what you do, and do the same. With both my mother-in-law and my mother in heaven, my dish towels and cloths are fraying, and wearing out and I cling to them. I can't replace them at a store- and I pray that you know your work, your talents, touch so many of us! Love to you, friend!
I read your blog because you say things like .... what you just said in the first paragraph of this post. I feel the same way about Christmas and it makes me feel better to know I am not alone, especially because a few of my closest friends/family tell me something is wrong with me for feeling this way. So thanks for being there :)
Hi Hillary,
It makes my day when I open my Inbox and see a new blog via email from 'Crazy as a Loom', it is the first email I open! I hope you always know that you are an amazing lady, you inspire me and so many others in so many ways. You are strong, determined, funny, honest, loving, open, and kind, and you always make the best of everything - including these horrific headaches that you have had for a few years now. You encourage me to think about life.
I think of you at all times - when I step up to the kitchen sink and onto my rug that you wove, when I step up to the bathroom sink and onto my rug that you wove, when I put my laundry into the dryer and step onto my rug that you wove....when I set the table and use my 'Crazy as a Loom' placemats....trust me I think of you often and always with a smile :)
Please continue with your blogs - they inspire me!
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Hugs to you from Canada !
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