My friend just left today, she has been on vacation here for two weeks, from Georgia. We think it is hot here in the northeast, but it can't compare to where she lives.
We've been kayaking a couple of times, early in the morning, before it gets too hot.
I am finally done with Solmate sock loopers. They are gone, all of them. SOLD, out of here.
After 8 years, I am ok with being done with them.
I won't be making any more Solmate sock rugs either.
They were fun. But everything has its day.
I wasn't planning on being done completely with that part of it, but someone I thought was trustworthy, threw a wrench into the works when I wasn't looking, and now I don't have exclusivity, and if I don't have that, it's just not worth it.
Sometimes people just disappoint you, it's a fact of life.
I don't have to engage, and I'm not.
The good news is that NO ONE will have exclusivity. Solmate is selling them to everyone.
In fact, if you want to buy loopers, or sock waste, you can email Kathy at Solmate Socks, and ask to get on the list for them. She's at
My focus has shifted. As you know, we've downsized.
Actually, the studio now has the feel that it did when I first opened the doors.
I realize now what I've been missing all these years, while I was working too much.
Life is good when you slow down. For real.

if I slow down any more, I'll fall over.
o wait. I did. today.
and it hurt.
glad you're slowing down...glad it's not so hot there.
glad you seem to be on the leading edge of happy.
I'm so happy to hear you are lovin' your 'new life.' Good for you and lucky Roy. More walks. :)
Slowing down is my mantra, but I keep shifting gears and just begin again, sewing, painting giving into allowing myself some me time. I have a feeling you'll be exploring other avenues as well. This retirement gig is ok, just doesn't pay, but the benefits are marvelous!
Good for you.
The older I become, the more I realize I need the balance of play, quiet, along with work and learning new things. I am thrilled for your new move and contentment! I still love my towels I purchased from you online a couple years ago... used all the time and holding up great!
Yeah...slowing down...pacing yourself for health and happiness. I am so glad you are doing time I am down near there I will pop over!!! Hugs!
feh on false friends ...
'less is more' is my mantra
Good morning! What a beautiful roadway. I would love to take a walk there...
Sometimes, you must downsize more than just "stuff" in your life. You have to downsize the people that add nothing but drama and turmoil. Sounds cruel, but so much better for your mental health.
Have a great weekend.
The time has come to move on from the loopers - 8 years is a long time! You probably wouldn't have made this move had the situation not changed, but it's good that you have. It would have been sweeter if you hadn't been pushed into it - more time for walks with Roy and kayaking with friends.
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