Can I just say that baby chicks are a pain in the..............well, you know.
They are a lot of work. I have had chickens in the past, but NEVER chicks.
One night I actually stayed over at the studio, so I could run out there every couple of hours to make sure the light was at the right height that they didn't freeze.
I had them in a huge metal water trough inside the chicken coop. They are growing so fast, I think they were getting overcrowded.
The other day I noticed one little barred rock crouched down and not moving.
I picked her up to find that her neck was pecked and in rough shape.
So I put her in a box by herself....with food and water. I have fed her a little boiled egg, and while I was expecting to find her dead, she is actually doing much better.
But she wants out.
Chickens are social birds. She doesn't like being alone.
So today, after two days of being in this box, I tried her in with the rest. They immediately started pecking the back of her neck.
I fetched her out quickly.
Then I had a bit of a brain storm. I went to the barn, where I had a bird cage hanging.....cleaned it out, put some shavings in it, some food and water, and put her in it.
As you can see, she can see them, and hear them, and while it may not be a perfect solution, it is the only one I could come up with for the time being.
I would love to hear any suggestions.
Oh, and I did take them out of the metal container, and put up this corrugated cardboard, so they wouldn't hide under the nesting boxes, where I couldn't keep a good eye on them.
I think they will be easier when they are grown.
Finally the kitchen construction is done. And while I could have opted for the "Country Living" completely new kitchen, I am pretty happy with my old/new kitchen.
It's perfect.
I have to get knobs for the cupboards, and the floor needs to be sanded and refinished around the new ones, where the bathroom used to be.
I love my old house, and it's important to me that any renovation I do feels right.
This does.
It's especially fun, when an idea that was brewing in my head, comes to fruition, and is even nicer than I expected it to be.
I'm not keeping you awake, am I Sydney???