Thanks Peg, for the tip.......I tried to reply, but your email address didn't come up. I appreciate hearing how other people do things. Sometimes, you hear just what you need to hear.
While I was weaving yesterday, I happened to notice that my "neighbor" was tapping out a tune on the tree next door.
I got all the towels done, got them all on my web site, and TEN of them are gone already.
I am happy that they turned out so well. And pleased that they are so well received.
We have some bags of the small loopers, already chained together........50 lbs in all. I'm going to do a newsletter.....but telling you all first.
$4.00/lb until they are gone.
They are BRIGHT.
They will make great rugs!!!
Still waiting for the doctor to call/skype/email/sendcarrierpigeon. Anything.
But maybe no news is good news?
I'm skeptical.

Hi Hilary,
Can you put me down for 5 pounds of the loopers? Sometime in my life I would love to try to make a couple of rugs! Here is my email, so you can tell me the total cost.
Hi Hilary,
Can you put me down for 5 pounds of the loopers? Sometime in my life I would love to try to make a couple of rugs! Here is my email, so you can tell me the total cost.
Not sure how I managed to do that twice, I must really be excited by the prospect!
Love that woodpecker shot!
Karen and Steve
RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard
Please, do not assume no news is good news. My dad was an OB/Gyn, and he insisted every patient be called with all test results, good or bad, the same day the results came back.
It used to infuriate him to hear friends say they hadn't heard from doctors, he always said to start calling and insisting on being given test results as quickly as possible.
Hi, Hilary, just buy the first spring flowers in pots (primula, crocus, tulips, narcissus etc.) and put them all over your house - just to get spring and colour into life.
spring coloured wishes
Your neighbor is a big guy! Beautiful woodpecker. Call the doctor and find out if the results are back yet - you will feel less anxious if you make the call. I am sending you lots of positive thoughts.
I agree call the doctor. There should be results by now.
What is it about weaving dish towels that is so satisfying? A thing so ordinary becomes a thing of beauty.
We had one day of sun yesterday and I felt so much better. Today we are back to rain/ice and then some snow. I have cabin fever and a bad case of needing some sun! All I seem to want to do is eat.
No news yet??? Sheesh. I agree.. no news is good news. If they saw something alarming you would have heard already. So now they are just taking their time getting around to telling you nothing much.
But call. Enough already.
Great woodpecker photo! We had to put vinyl siding on our cedar-sided house because the woodpeckers were pecking holes in our house! It was less expensive to put the vinyl on, than to have the cedar cared for anyway, so it was win-win.
I agree with the above posters - call. I know, you don't really WANT to know, and yes, no news could be good news....but really, you NEED to hear the news - either way.
Someone else mentioned to put some bright flowers etc in your house. It's true. You need to brighten up the inside to remind you of spring. Of course, that's easy for me to say as we've had a really mild winter here in Virginia. Although, we have been threatened/promised a huge snow storm starting tonight and continuing through tomorrow. We'll see. The weather predictors have been wrong more than they've been I am not holding my breath.
Hang in there. Spring really IS right around the corner.
Trying to figure out what happened last time that you couldn't respond to me, Hilary. I do Name/URL so there's no place to put my email other than in the body (which I just never thought of before) so I'm putting it in here. Also, I did try to click on my name in the last comment and it appears I made a typo when entering. (Why isn't Firefox doing autofill?)
So if you could try emailing me just to let me know if this is a reasonable strategy (email in body) I'll appreciate it.
We had SUNSHINE today! For HOURS!!!
Hilary, I have a Schacht Winding Station table that I'd like to sell. Any interest or do you know of anyone who might be interested? Also, re the MRI--I'm sure it if was not good news, they would have called you. But you should call your Dr. for results because there is no sense worrying about it. (says she, the World's Biggest Worry Wort!) Pat at
i told this to another friend recently when a test result was slow in being conveyed .. if god forbid there was something really wrong, the doctor would have called immediately ...
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