I am finding out what I can do, and what I cannot do, in my present state of recovery.
I thought, oh so mistakenly, that I could thread my little Leclerc loom for dish towels.
Winding the warp was ok, and I did thread the loom, over two days, but the price was steep.
Two full days of misery ensued.
You don't know..............and I KNOW you don't pay attention, because I didn't either.........how many fine, tiny, movements you do with your cervical spine......your neck. You lean your head in, and those vertebrae in your neck tip and slide and pivot. Even when you eat........watch yourself next time you pick up a fork, you tilt your face in. That movement is 'allowed' by your cervical spine. C1 and C2 are responsible for all the rotating, tilting, sliding, that allows you to move your head.
Since my surgery, I have had sharp pains on occasion, in both ears. I also have had issues opening my mouth wide enough to eat some things. All of this was new, and a mystery.
Here is a picture of your cervical spine. Looking at it helped me to understand my limitations, at least for now...........I have two titanium rods fusing C1, C2, and C3. It's really no wonder I still have pain, I guess.
Not to mention the hole in my head.

Two steps forward, one step back. Or is it one step forward, and two steps back?
Well, whatever. The short answer is, I'm back on the couch with Roy.
I can walk, however, because that does not require me to bend my head forward. I walk with the 'best posture in town' per DH.
So Roy gets his 3 mile hike every day of the week.
Sydney says:
Walking is highly overrated.
Someone asked about my shawls, and what the threads consisted of.
I have to confess, my shawls are pretty much like mystery soup. There is a little bit of everything in them.
I pull down a couple of spools off the shelf, that speak to me.......and then just keep walking around, mixing and matching, muttering to myself until I have 10 or so that I think look good with each other.
Then I take a piece of plain paper, and cut a piece from each cone, and tape them all together, to see what they will look like.
So there is chenille, there is wool, cotton, polyester, rayon, you name it.
They definitely turn out to be one of a kind, and that's the way I like it. Sometimes the color choices surprise even me.
When it comes to the actual weaving, I change weft colors for each shawl. On the loom right now, there is enough to do about 7-8 shawls, so I definitely have room to play with color.
One weft is midnight blue chenille, one will be purple chenille, and one turquoise chenille, one magenta.
One is a blend of many colors.
There are many more talented weavers out there than me. I think that every weaver just needs to find what really moves them, what kindles their passion to keep weaving.
Mine is crazy color, and a lot of spontaneity.
Now if my head and neck would just get with the program.