I am ok. In case you wondered where I've been.
Went on a little trip, just had a few days away.
Mostly, elder care is the issue, and time away from that gives one more capacity to deal.
Anything that works, you know.
I admit to being lazy though.. I had my camera with me, but used my Iphone the entire time.
It's kind of the same reason I wore jeans, my most threadbare and comfortable ones, and no makeup, not a smidge. And my navy blue Gap hoodie that is older than my dog.
Because I don't care. Honestly. In fact, looking at it seriously, I can't imagine that I ever did. Or why I ever did.
Change has a way of leveling things out, I find. This is one of them. I am coming to understand some things that have eluded me my whole life.
Maybe it's a whole year of my life in pain. Maybe it's the fact that someone actually bared my brain, fixated my spine with rods and screws, and I lived to tell about it.
Maybe it's something else that I can't see.
But I'm different.
I'm better, even though it might not look like it at first glance. I am so over worrying about some things.
Maybe it's Eckhart Roy. The lessons he has for me every day.
But here I am, home again. It is raining outside, and I am comfy on my couch, with Eckhart snoring next to me, my knitting waiting patiently until I am done here. I have no idea what is in store for dinner, I have nothing that needs to get done hounding my every thought, I am not one bit worried that I am not being productive, that the studio and the looms lie vacant while I contemplate knitting the afternoon away.
I don't care.
I am in this minute, right here, and it is fine.
Cuppa tea, knit.

Well, I do wish I could be there, too and sitting right next to you enjoying some tea and Roy. I'd get you to help me re-learn the art of knitting which I wasn't too bad at 30 years ago. I like where you are and hope that you can teach the rest of us a thing or three. Give that shameless dog a big hug for me and here's one for you. {{hugs}} Deb
Love it!!!
It's funny how your priorities change after a life altering event.
What used to matter to me is such bs now...I just savor the moments..daily.
Just the way it should be: sittin' and knittin' and that nice beer sure does look good. I'm so happy to hear you are still getting better, day by day...
It's a good place to be, isn't it? The Land Of I'm Ok. It baffles some of my friends & family, but some get it, and I'm glad you're here too.
You have no idea how glad this has made me. But wait, yes - I believe you do.
I'm glad we're a part of it. :)
All I can say is AMEN!
Always happy to hear you take some time for yourself, XOXO
Sounds wonderful!!
Sounds peaceful.
YEAH~! you are comfy~! Change is a wonderful thing and you have adjusted well..~! Glad you got away and phones are the best thing to take pictures with. Technology has improved from the Kodak bean camera..
I am latch hooking a rug and it's turning out beautiful.. Can hardly wait to put it on the kitchen floor.
ta ta for now from Iowa:)
I am glad all is good . I stopped wearing make up when I retired all of a sudden I didn't care to wear it any more I prefer oh naturell anyways less gunk in and on your skin ! I also suffer from a few painful ailments myself and prefer comfort over style ! I find one gets to a point where it isn't the most important thing any more that it once was !Life is to enjoy it not worry about it ! Have a good day and enjoy !
....sounds like a dang fine life!
Just crack open a beer and knit another baby sweater. Oh, and love on Roy a whole danged bunch.
It's not called lazy. It's called doing what matters. It's called living. It's called valuing yourself. So happy for you, Hilary.
I started wondering what you might be up to, but I also kind of figured you were doing something good for you. Your trip sounds so peaceful.
I sat on my porch swing this afternoon it was so peaceful!
Beautiful. Welcome home.
I thought you just might be giving into some personal solitude, I am happy to hear you were. Giving yourself permission to enjoy life, you go girl!!
Living in the moment is something that I am working on. I'm thinking that we all need to bare our brain - figuratively speaking. I'm so glad that you got away and are restoring your soul a bit. Give that boy Roy a squeeze. He's a doll!
good for you!!!!!!!!!!!
I have discovered a rich world from my front porch. I most enjoy sitting in the swing, reading or just listening to the sounds of life being lived all around me. Little bugs, little squirrels, birds, the trees moving in the wind. My cat, sleeping, waking, stretching. Besides doing what I have to do for my family, I am going to spend the rest of my wild and crazy life being aware of the fact that a whole lot of life just goes on every day in the most beautiful and rythmic way with or without me. And when I can take time to be still, I can be blessed by it. I'm glad you can see it now, too.
Vicki Allen, weaver
It's a beautiful thing.
The view from my front porch watching and listening to the Amish buggies go by is great. I wouldn't change it for the world.
Old jeans and no make up. Retirement doesn't get any better.
I hope I learn from you. I have to retire first before I can live the life I want, and not sure what that even is. But I am sure glad you are enjoying life right. It gives me hope I might get there yet.
And what a beautiful life it shall be! Better than before. You are in the present moment. Satisfied. Aware. Content. Life is good!!! :) :)
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