Are you kidding me??
And then it poured again, and is still pouring.
You know that since my surgery, I have been slowly getting back into my studio routine. Or trying to.
But 6 weeks into it, I find that a whole day is still pretty much 'too much'.
Headache, neck pain, general malaise.
And I come home. I am amazed at how much better I feel today than I did just the first of September, so I am very hopeful that by Christmas, I will be even that much more myself.
But more than that, I have been finding that the studio agitates me. I get feeling overwhelmed with the sheer magnitude of all my STUFF. 15 looms. REALLY?
FABRIC..........thousands of pounds. SOCKS. LOOPERS. And on ....and on. Four cats inside, and two cats outside.
Let's not even talk about PRODUCT. Finished PRODUCT. It boggles my mind.
So I find myself walking around, feeling like Lucy wrapping chocolates on a conveyor belt that goes faster and faster. Wondering who keeps turning up the speed.
My daughter says maybe they did something to my brain while they were in there.
Anyway, this morning, I went to the studio, not sure of what to do next.
But when I got there, it occurred to me that I just needed to make ONE room feel NOT CRAZY BUSY.
So I started in the living room.
Then Tammy showed up, and she helped me.
She says that I am finally talking like a normal person.
I just know that I need serene.
I need uncomplicated, not overwhelming.
I need the studio to be what it was when I started out 7 years ago.
Respite. Refuge. Lovely peace. A safe haven, a place to create and weave.
Just the Hammett in the living room, warped for placemats. I love this loom, it just fits me.
There are four old chairs in the living room, always covered with fabric of some sort, which is changed periodically to keep the cat hair down.
One chair for each cat.
I am thinking that perhaps my business needs to change, to accommodate having a real life.
My recently revamped brain thinks this is a good idea.
In order to do that, something needs to happen.
I am contemplating giving up custom orders completely.
It's a big move. It will drastically alter my income.
But it will also free up a lot of time, do away with a lot of worry and hassle.
Secondly, I am going to schedule weaving weekends, maybe four a year, instead of doing them whenever someone calls and requests one. away with weaving weekends altogether.
A long time ago, I told a friend, that if I could, I would just weave what I want to weave, and people would buy what they want. Period.
No crazy jumping through hoops trying to match fabrics, trying to please customers.
I have realized that there is absolutely nothing stopping me from doing exactly that. Weaving what I want. Nothing else.
Sometimes, more is not better. I actually spend more money to make more money. I think I would be just as happy to make half as much, and work half as hard.
I don't now how this is going to play out, but I am just going to downsize and organize one room at a time, until Crazy as a Loom feels like it should.
In my head, there is a list of looms that I know will stay, and a few that won't. Finally, I realize that I don't need 15 looms.
I just need the right looms.

Kind of a freelance weaver ! Sounds good ! I love your studio though looks cozy ! Some times a change is good ! Have a good day !
Yes. I think you're on to something, Hillary. I gave up custom a long time ago (and yes, I am way more small potatoes than you, but the principle's the same). I cannot create what is in other peoples' heads, and it stresses me to try.
Taking inventory of your life and looms; a big step to the serenity you seek. XOXO
Funny how a little time away gives you a different perspective. I recently had some time away at school and when I returned I wondered who left all this STUFF!!!
Oh yeah, it was me. I was able to toss and "re-distribute" stuff that I had held onto for the right project. Figured I will keep the project speculation purchases down to nil.
It feels good to take control again!
You sound wonderful. Thanks for sharing your updates this week, and it is nice to hear you are thinking of pleasing YOU not everyone else.
Your studio is a lovely place. And listen to you--wow, Hilary, you are moving in a great direction. Here's the simple way to get to where you want to be: ask "What do I want?" and do it. Sounds like that's where you're heading, and it will be good. Be good to your body too!
I think that is a perfect idea. Just weave what you want--period. Take all the stress out of it. Life is too short. :)
thats ist, i am weaving now for the family, weaving as they like it, but I am not happy..thats why i the year 2013 the weavin will be my weaving only...only my coulours...and nothing as other like it..
they have else the possibility to weave themselves..
also kurzgesagt..ich webe wie ich es nur noch mag..meine farben bindungen..projekte..und keine wünsche anderer mehr...
sie dürfen gerne selbst anfangen zu weben,wenn sie bestimmte dinge gewebt haben mö einfach ist das..
also keine arbeiten mehr weil eine einen schal..ein kissen ein hochzeitsgeschenk braucht..ich webe schlicht nun aus mir heraus.
liebe grüße wiebke
Those were words of wisdom for sure! Words we all should live by! I too and cleaning out my dollhouse miniature madness, cleaning out the fuss. Coming to something simpler and easier to live with! I'm glad to read that you're feeling better!
It really is as simple as you are willing to make it, Hilary. Weave what you want to weave, when you want to weave it. SELL the extra looms, and don't allow yourself to buy another. Maybe even sell the business, keep ownership of the studio but rent it out to the business owner... and you show up to weave,..... when you want to.
Live your life on your terms exactly.. why ever not? If not NOW, when?
I'll shut it now :-)
Follow your heart. If the custom orders and weaving weekends are bogging you down then maybe it is time to let them go.
When I went back to the studio full time I decided that I was not going to do custom orders. I have to fight people over that one. It is always can I have it in this color and to fit a certain place. The answer is always no because I hate being constrained to what others want.
I love my looms and weaving but some day soon I may keep only two of them and concentrate more on my dolls. It is a hard decision especially when you have spent a life time accumulating all this equipment but I know that when that day comes to sell the big AVL and Cranbrook I will feel so much better.
Weave what you want and they will come!
Sorry that last comment is from me not Nurse Pog. Sometimes I forget to sign him out and me in!
I say, Amen Sistah!
Congratulations on coming to this new place and finding it good! Yayy! :-)
Less is more and less is best.
Keep it simple.
"A long time ago, I told a friend, that if I could, I would just weave what I want to weave, and people would buy what they want. "
That's the gist of the beautiful pieces you create. If you build/weave it, they will come. Not the other way around.
Hilary. You won't be sorry.
Oh I totally agree with this post, Hilary!! I rarely do custom orders anymore and my weaving life is way less stressful! I just weave what I want and if someone likes it, fine...if not, well, I have plenty of gifts for friends and family... Life really is too short for all the stress. Hugs!
I love this blog... it sounds like you have a good plan... go for it,, It sounds like it will take a lot of stress off you and you can do whatever you want and feel like it . or not.. Deb from cobleskill
I love this blog... it sounds like you have a good plan... go for it,, It sounds like it will take a lot of stress off you and you can do whatever you want and feel like it . or not.. Deb from cobleskill
I love this blog... it sounds like you have a good plan... go for it,, It sounds like it will take a lot of stress off you and you can do whatever you want and feel like it . or not.. Deb from cobleskill
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