I am also painfully aware of the crap shoot that is life.
I had decided, before my surgery, that I was not going to ride my bicycle anymore. It was stressful enough on my titanium knee, but now with rods in my neck, and guaranteed limited range of motion of my neck, I think it should be crossed off my list, right along with carnival rides and pink motor scooters.
So, I decided to give it to my #2 daughter, who is realizing what running 8-10 miles at a clip will do to one's knees, no matter what your age.
This morning, I asked DH if we could go to the studio, pick up the bike, and bring it home, so that when she and her family came by later, it would be here.
This was my first "ride" out.
We went and picked up the bike, the car carrier, and brought them home. Thanks, L, for help in digging it out of the barn where you and I packed it away so well.
We got here, and DH carried it all up to our front porch, in case it rained, and we went in the house.
He said to me, "Leave Roy's harness on, I will be right back, and I will take him for a walk."
He went upstairs, I turned to fill the tea kettle, and suddenly, there was this terrific crash, and leaves covered the kitchen window.
My neighbors came flying out of their houses, to see what the huge 'cracking' noise was.
DH came flying down the stairs.
Can I just tell you that if DH and Roy had gone right out the door, and he hadn't gone upstairs first, that this tree could have driven them to the ground?
Or if the wind had gusted a little harder, a little sooner, that the tree coming down wouldn't have had to have hit me? That the sheer force and suddenness of it would have tipped me over, and that my cervical collar wouldn't have saved me from such severe pain/injury that I can't even think about it?
I am sitting now in the window, the wind is blowing, the sun is here now, then gone.
The morning is suddenly so precious, I can barely contain myself.
Waiting for people to come clear it away, so we can get out the door.
But for now, I am content to sit here and knit a little, before my next nap.
That's just about enough excitement for today, right Roy???

I'm so glad everyone was ok. It was obviously all too much for Roy.
We just never, never know! So glad you are gradually feeling better. It seems like HH is reduced/gone and that the current pain is the aftermath of the surgery. If so, that will gradually recede into the distance. It's good to hear from you!
I would need a fainting couch nearby to deal with that. Looks like Roy will be content relaxing with you for as long as you need.
Oh My! Life is certainly full of surprises. How about a recumbent bike?
Life if full of what ifs and chance.
Glad everyone is okay!
God's timing is perfect and this was! No one was hurt! Poor Roy, just too much excitement for one day!
Yikes! I'm so glad you all are ok! Have a restful and wonderful weekend!
Working the ER I see what a difference an instant makes to our lives...thank God you were all insde and no one was hurt...poor Roy can only take so much...
every new post from you adds some joy to my day...
was that your tree or the neighbors? all those branches look so healthy in your photos.crazy! very glad to hear that everyone escaped injury. keep getting better!
Oh my! What a morning and how thankful we all are that no one was injured... Roy on the other hand looks totally stressed by the goings on in the year. LOL He's such a cool dog. :-))
You were incredibly fortunate. So funny how life works sometimes isn't it? I'm so glad to read that all went well with your surgery. I hope you continue to get stronger every day until one day very soon you're better than ever! God Bless You! Sincerely, Carolyn
HOly cow... just seconds away from catastrophe and yet it was miraculously averted. I hope your house has not sustained any damage either... wow.
You've just shown what I've been saying for years--there is a divine intervention and when it's our time or not, it's out of our hands. I had the a similar instance with an accident that happened just 10 minutes before I went through the same section. I had got hung up at the dealership where my car was serviced because they couldn't find my keys. If I had left without the delay, I would have been in that accident.
I am glad you had a day out...baby steps! XOXO
Gosh! What a mess. The tree is rotten insite. That's so dangerous.Glad to hear that everything is all right with you and your familiy.
OMG! I would have just had a fit! Lots of things that can be thought of about the timing of this... scary. There is another blog I follow where the young woman had a stroke and has bad balance, she rides a 3 wheeled bike and writes of how it gave her back her mobility... Hopefully you wont have any issues with walking once all healed up. What a treasure Roy is, most dogs would have been freaked out!
Poor tree, hard to lose the good shade ones, is it an Elm? In MPLS we lost thousands to Dutch Elm disease, would look ok then all rotted inside and would come down without warning. The whole city was desimated, all the 100+ year old trees gone. Hope you dont have that out there.
Glad to hear you are doing better, enough to knit at least. You will be back at the loom before you know it.
Just sooo wonderful to be reading "your" posts again!! Amazing. I hope you heal quickly & completely!!
Unfortunately I am not sure my friend, Fran is doing quite so well. She has been transferred to another hospital for rehab, is having some confusion and some runs of ventricular tachycardia. Says she has forgot how to knit. So keep her in your prayers please.
Holy Hannah!!!!!
Boy am I glad no one was injured!
That tree needs to come totally down, as someone else said - it's rotten inside and you don't want the rest of it to to fall!
Take care
Excellent story with a happy ending. Very happy ~
Angels are watching over you all...even sleeping Roy!! How lucky!! :):)
Amazing. We never know.
You have lived your life right. That is what my Mom always told me when things went right for me or I missed a bad incident because of timing not planned by me. I can recall a few accidents that I have missed because I just couldn't get out of bed or I have stopped to do something out of my norm.
Thank God for those Angels who watch over us!
Someone once told me that "life is a crap shoot with choices". That pretty much sums it up. Today I had some moments of sorrow when I remembered that my body will never let me run again. But I ran for a time and it was good. My next thought was "focus on what you can do, not what you can't". Being grateful is the way through, isn't it?!
Good grief! That tells me that your guardian angels are still hanging in there, holding conferences with one another as to how to keep disaster at bay. Thank God it was a near miss and nothing worse. I understand what you mean when you say the word "gratitude" is just too small to cover it. Blessings to you!
Yes. This life is obviously not done with you yet! This close call is definitely a reminder (as if you needed one!) of how beautifully colorful life is. Whew!
Oh my GOSH! So glad everyone is okay. Wow...close call for sure.
Ok so now you have THAT out of the way on your list of scary things to happen. At the rate you're going you should receive a medal by mid-December!
Holy crap! If that doesn't prove that you have a lot of good living ahead of you.. wow! I'm so glad none of you were in the way. Hopefully damage is minimal. Yikes!
The best photo is of Roy not caring one or the other as to what could have happened to him.
Amazing! I'm so glad everyone is just fine and hopefully the tree will be out of the way before long.
My first sentence should be:
The best photo is of Roy not caring one "way" or an other as to what could have happened to him.
Holy cow. I haven't read any blogs for a month, getting ready for the reunion, having it and then recovering from it. Meanwhile, your life has been as melodramatic as a soap opera. I'm so glad you've survived it all and I do think gratitude is a very good word. Between DH, your girls and Roy, you've got a good team behind you.
phew .... go buy a lottery ticket!
Oh my! How lucky you were- I second that you should go buy a lottery ticket!
Your posts are beginning to sound like yourself- even though you probably feel improvement is slow, I think it's amazing.
Tell Roy and DH and the girls to keep up the good work.
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