We'll celebrate fall, and lovely weather.
Or maybe my recovery.
Or let's just celebrate the good energy that blogging generates, and the friends that it makes.
Before my surgery, I had my newfound seamstress, Angie, making monkeys, and sewing strips for rugs.
Then she had an idea. She never stops, this girl. Reminds me of someone........
She made a purse, out of socks.
It was so danged cute, that I told her to go for it, and make more. Which she did.
So let me introduce you to:
I know. So silly it could actually work.
They come in two sizes, the small which will be $19.95, and the larger, which will be $27.95. They are totally washable, and GET THIS, they are REVERSIBLE. Some have cell phone pockets.
Too freaking awesome for words.
It is perfect, for your wallet, and your phone.......or a bottle of water, when you are walking. It is just enough. I will take some better pictures soon.
Carrying around my heavy camera has not been an option, so all you are getting are pictures from my Iphone.
I love Angie. She is a hard worker, she communicates, she is on time, and she is creative.
Thank you, Craigslist.
Anyway, that's the giveaway.......a small Socketbook. All you have to do is leave a comment about it.
Drawing Wednesday 9/26.
This weekend is the Washington County Fiber Festival at the Washington County Fairgrounds in Greenwich, NY.
I have a booth there, but I am not personally there.
So this is Lois' first solo show. I told her I would cancel it, but she said no, she wanted to do it.
Check with her on Sunday evening, to see if that was a good decision, or not.
I helped her with a little advice, and that, my friends, is all I was good for. Couldn't lift, couldn't lug, couldn't do much of anything.
I did, however, go to visit, and check it out. She is doing a great job. You're not surprised, right?
I think in life that a lot of our happiness, or unhappiness, comes from surrounding ourselves with people who uplift us, and make us better, or NOT.
Been that last place, done that.
Now it seems that I truly am surrounded by lovely, helpful, supportive, and sweet people.
It's not an accident, folks.
I think it is something that comes with getting older. If only the young knew.

I agree Hilary. It took aging to get smarter about who you spend your time with. I'm all for surrounding ourselves with only things (including humans) that enrich our lives. I love the bags. I can just see myself carrying one as I walk Kanie. On those drab days...a pop of needed colour. They are gorgeous. Throw my hat into the ring, please. You sound good. So happy! Deb
Socketbook!! What a great name. And they look so fun! I'd love to win!! Thanks for the giveaway.
Sooooo glad you are doing well on your recovery journey! I don't comment often, but I have been following along here and thinking about you lots. :)
I am so glad that you are better, Hillary. If you are feeling good enough to think about a giveaway of this cute bag, then I know you have improved. I hope you get better by leaps and bounds so you can be at the next festival. My fiber friends always make me feel better.
I am so glad that you are better, Hillary. If you are feeling good enough to think about a giveaway of this cute bag, then I know you have improved. I hope you get better by leaps and bounds so you can be at the next festival. My fiber friends always make me feel better.
They are cute bags ! Glad you are getting and feeling better more and more each day ! There is a huge warehouse up in the city about an hour away from us called Lens Mills that carries every type of fabric, yarn even from other country's and all kinds of sewing things you could ever need . It is awesome ! Have a great day !
Gosh! This bags are wonderful! So funny and colourful. What a good idea!
I'm glad to read, that you feel better. Please take care of you and your neck.
That is so true!!!
Darling Socketbook! I would give it to my niece. She had twins yesterday, her first pgcy. A boy and a girl and several months ago I gave them twin sock monkeys. There were a couple of teensy differences. The Socketbook would go perfectly with her and the twins. :D
Love LOVE that you are getting better with each passing day.
look at you having a give away! you must be feeling better. I am glad because i was worried about you.
hugs to you!
Hillary you are sounding wonderful. I hope you are feeling as good as you sound. I always am glad to see your updates. Take care of yourself!
The sockbook sounds wonderful! Cute cute cute!
What an inventive, and giving friend to take over for you. I do believe she's a keeper!
I am glad the surgery seems to be successful. I hope your recovery goes quickly. I love your blog. The socketbook is a cool idea.
So glad you DIDN'T go yourself! I was going to scold you!...
Good luck to Lois, let us know how it goes... and what a cute idea, the socketbook!
Cute bags! I hope the drawing is not truly 9/20!
Ok, those socket books are ador-a-ble!!! Love the little ones for the cell phone and wallet. Cute cute cute!
Oh, and you sound soooo much better.
Bless Lois, I tell ya, you've got a wonderful, amazing person there.
And Angie - inspirational!
You deserve all the wonderful people that surround you. You give, and those around you give back.
What a neat idea! Angie is so creative!
These are so cute, that's a perfect size to take along walking or a quick trip to the store. You are blessed to have such creative and competent workers helping you.
Yo, Hilary. You sound so much better - more like yourself. So very reassuring to hear.
I would love to throw my hat in the ring, as it were, for a socketbook. For the giveaway. But I also want a big one, so even if I win, please let me know when they would be available to purchase. I have been looking for something EXACTLY like this. Now I found it! Trish (tangledthreads@telus.net)
The name and the bag can only make you smile! I'm so glad each day is an improvement, you can feel the relief in your writings!
I just love the name--how clever. I think one thing you'll discover when you look back on this is how your blogging showed your improvement; I can sense the happiness coming into your "voice." Forward! XOXO
What a cute creation and very clever name. You do indeed have great people in your life.. as do they in you. Your products look so cool all laid out like that at the festival. I'll bet it was very successful. Yay you!
None of us need people in our lives who suck the energy from us.
I can think of uses for that socketbook. What a clever idea and very cute name.
Those Socketbooks are adorable!
You do have wonderful people surrounding you. The reason for that is because you are wonderful. You know...birds of a feather and all that!
Good to see you online and healing!
It took me waaay too long to figure out about surrounding yourself with positive people. It made a world of difference!
The socketbooks are darling!
So glad you are slowly healing and feeling better. :):)
Cute bags!! What a great idea!! So creative!!
Hi Hilary, I haven't commented in a while but I'm happy every time I see a post from you and hear that you are feeling a bit better, doing a bit more, feeling more yourself. You sound wonderful in this post which just warms my heart. What cute Socketbooks! Saucy, bright and useful too. But I probably shouldn't qualify for the drawing as I was lucky enough to win a previous drawing. Take care; it's such a joy to hear about your progress.
Love the sock-pocket, love that you are doing better, love reading about your adventures.
Oh YES, let's have a giveaway...because whoever wins one of those crazyrockinwonderful bags is gonna be one lucky gal!!!!
And Hilary, when you said, "I think in life that a lot of our happiness, or unhappiness, comes from surrounding ourselves with people who uplift us, and make us better, or NOT," well, it made me wish I'd said that. Thanks for putting it into words.
I agree with you... we are so affected by those around us. So glad you had a great support system in place before all of your troubles. So glad you are mending!
That bag is wonderful.. I love all the colors. Wish I was close enough to visit your shop!
Coveting that socketbook...your booth at the fiber fair looks wonderful...missed my favorite..yellow springs Ohio due to hubby having knee replacement last week
You are sounding well...blessings always and in all ways..sue kern
I'm so glad that you continue to heal ... I'm always happy when you have a chance post-surgery to give us an update. We're all sending good thoughts your way.
I love the new bags - the name is just perfect! You have hit the jackpot with L and Angie on your team.
Socketbook is so clever! Would love to win it.
I am so thankful for your well-blessed recovery. I am living vicariously through your blog. Hope to join you in a weekend weave sometime!
Socketbook is so clever! Would love to win it.
I am so thankful for your well-blessed recovery. I am living vicariously through your blog. Hope to join you in a weekend weave sometime!
Want socketbook! How creative is that? I am hoping to be the lucky winner, but if not, I'm gonna buy one! :-)
that is so cute
L is doing a fantastic job! Hilary, I am very happy to hear you are getting stronger everyday. With L and Roy to help you on the road to recovery, you are sailing along perfectly.
So glad you are feeling better. Can tell by your writing. Would love a sockabook :). Speedy healing to you. Vicki Rapanault. Boot camper Halloween 2010
I absolutely love the colors and patterns on these bags. SO cheerful. Im 50 next year and I think I am finally getting it. If a person is alot of work to be around, then that is proof that they are not good for me!
Plus, all it takes is some required downtime to give you the opportunity to count all those GOOD friends....
Never ending creativity in your corner...whether it's you or the people you surround yourself with!
The bags are amazing! Thanks for the give away. I'm so happy for you and that your recovery (though slow to you) is going well! Take care.
Love, love, love, the bags, but I love even more that you are recovering, and sounding more like yourself with each post!
So glad that the surgery went well and you are on the mend. I am a novice weaver and stumbled upon your blog last fall.....I've followed your journey every day and find inspiration in your posts,....when I've had a bad day I think, wow, nothing compared to what Hilary is going through. I don't know how you've survived through a headache like you have, for as long as you have, but I'm gld you have. And I'm so glad you're on the road to recovery and the next stage of your life....which I'm sure will be wonderful! Deb
A socketbook! Wonderful! Please include me - if I don't wind one I think I will have go buy a couple for my daughters for Christmas! Keep on getting better! It is so good to see you are up and about a little more each week. Hugs - Rose
So glad you are feeling much better. Just take it easy and before you know it you will doing everything you want and love to do!! The giveaway looms amazing, I need to make a trip up your way soon! The socket book is so clever. Keep up the good recovery. From Deb in Cobleskill
oh i would love one .. and i am also loving seeing more posts from you and hearing how you are itching to get back at it .. xo
This would be awesome for carrying around my water bottle...seems like it would absorb the sweat nicely. Of course, it would also be nice for carrying my small knitting project. I, too, prefer one-night projects over a "delayed gratification required" project like a sweater. :)
wow, those are amazingly cute, colorful and clever! very cool!
The Sockpockets are wonderful, just love the colors! I'd be thrilled to win one.
I enjoy your blog Hillary and am so glad you're feeling better.
Jan J from California
The socketbook is just the thing! Please enter me in the contest. I am so glad you are on the mend. Prayers still going your way.
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