To figure out who won the garland, I used this:
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2011-12-04 22:23:21 UTC
Hmm.....seems this blog is TWO people, so I don't know how they will figure that out, but I am
sure they will.
All I need is an address, and I will send out your garland. Yay. Congrats!!!
I would love to see a photo of the garland in its new home.
Today was the last day of the Christmas in the Country Tour......and I must say I am amazed at how profitable it was. I didn't expect it to be. No snow, and a lousy economy. But I was wrong, and I am happy to admit it.
I got through it with my headache, and I am not sure how. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, for the first time in weeks, my headache receded to a 4-5. That may sound awful, but truly, it is once again, all in the perspective. It was DOABLE. Do you know how sweet doable can be????
Trust me. Sweet.
Then yesterday, about half way through the day, it changed, from a 4, to a full 10. OUCH.
OUCH. OUCH. What else can I say?
It just started to let up, after 30 hours.
I can't wait to see the neurosurgeon this week. Did I just say that?
Who is anxious to see a NEUROSURGEON?
I'll tell ya who.......someone who has had a headache 24/7 for SIX weeks. That's who.
Sold this 4'x6' rug today, to a lady who lives just down the road from the studio.
I can't tell you how much that means, to have regular customers who live right in Kingsbury. They have embraced Crazy as a Loom in a way that is encouraging and uplifting.
Getting ready for the Country Christmas gets the studio all clean and organized, and this time it has spurred me on in my attempts to 'open up' space. The loom that was here is just visible off to the right, and SOON L and I will be moving it upstairs to the front bedroom. This will allow me to leave this display up, if I want to, or if not, it might be a good place for a small table. But at any rate, the room will not look so crowded, and it feels 'just right'.
Sunday is usually the quietest day of the tour, and since I was alone today, I had occasional spots of solitude.....which was nice. As the afternoon sun casts long shadows on the porch, I began to tidy up, getting ready to go home.
I tried to make just the right amount of Greek honey cookies, not too many, not too few. I came pretty close this time, but I do have some left over.
So.............what do you say????
One more giveaway, for a few luscious, divine Greek honey cookies???? It will keep me and L from eating them all.........and believe me, we don't need them.
So be a follower, leave a comment, and I will send you some cookies.......since we don't want to waste any time.....I will draw a number tomorrow night....Monday, Dec 5th.
I know you're gonna love 'em.

Oh boy! I'm first to comment for the cookies. Well, Let me tell ya, I am a tea drinker so I eat a lot of cookies. So, please do throw my name into the pot. Glad your weekend was a success. I was sorry though to read that you suffered through with that headache. I've said it before, I am praying that it goes away for you. It has to be awful. I really feel for you. Good luck and keep us posted on how you do. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x4
Hi Hilary
So glad the weekend is a success. Would love to have some Greek honey cookies. Am praying that the neurosurgeon will have an answer for you and/or it resolves on it's own. Love my rugs and hope this weekend made up for the other show. Blessings to you, L and the kitties. Mary
Cookies? Did you say cookies? Of course I'll take them. Thank you.
To everyone out there: I have had these cookies, and believe me when I tell you - they are GOOD! Please enter me, Hilary.
And please keep us updated on the neuro visit.
I have never had them...they do sound wonderful. I do wish you headache would go away.
I am curious to hear what the Dr. has to say.
Did somebody say COOKIES? Yes please!
Keep us posted on the blasted headache.
My beloved mother would say "I don't have time to be sick!" You would have gotten along with her like two peas!
I would love to win the cookies and I would share them with my Greek friend... =)
Oooooh, I have been intrigued by your cookies since the first time I saw them on your blog!!!
Thanks Hilary! I am so delighted to have won--I will appreciate the garland and it will be perfect on my mantle! I hook pillows with wool strips and yarn, so it's my passion!!!
Stick Horse Cowgirl V
I'll email you my address! Thanks again!
Just sayin' ... your honey cookies are da best!
I am so happy for you to be heading to the dr. this week.
Love the late afternoon light from the porch.
Your kitties and Roy are such a joy, thank you for including them as often as you do.
YUM, sign me up for cookies!
So glad to hear your show was successful, after that awful crapsale you did a few weeks ago. Hope they find the cause for your headache soon, love your blog...Diane
I really really need those Greek Honey Cookies!! They are calling me. Hope you get the headache problem solved.
Deb, from Cobleskill
I'm happy to hear you had good sales, and hope the doctor can help to get rid of your headaches. I'm loving getting to know you through your blog.
Honestly, I don't know why I didn't become a follower before this, I read your blog everyday and love it. I understand the headache. I have been pulling for you. You have been learning to live beside the sucks.
Okay, throw my name in again!
Hubby would love them right about now...
Me? I'll have a nibble too
:) Susan
I'm a daily reader, but not usually a commentor.
The cookies are just too yummy looking to resist.
Thanks for the generous give-away!
I would love to try Greek Honey Cookies. I've been wondering what they were.
cookies? pick me, pick me! :)
Oh, that porch pic! Its framable. What a nice spot to sit and reflect/relax/rejuvinate.
Wishing you the best in getting rid of that damn headache.
So glad your open house was a success! The studio just looks so wonderful with all that colorful work -
You know I already LOVE those cookies. Don't enter me, as I have already WON your cookies before. :-)
Have a GOOD day, Hilary.
Cookies from "Crazy as a Loom".... what could be sweeter!!!!!
Glad your weekend was a good one!!!!
my internets have been dead .. never so happy to be in the office than I am today .. sorry the headache is back .. congrats to the winner(s) .. I love those garlands, I am sad I didnt win .. oh well ..
I love those cookies and was very disappointed that I did not manage to get over to the studio this weekend.
MMMMM...cookies. Those pictures of your cookies have been making my mouth water...I sure could use some!
Congrats on a great Country Christmas weekend!
Please put my name in, too, Hilary! Though I don't know how you are doing all this with that headache! You need stronger pain pills, that's for sure! xo
I've never had a Greek Honey Cookie, but I just imagine it is yummy! Hope all goes well this week and congratulations on the successful show.
Ruth Ann
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