Finally, today came. My appointment with the neurosurgeon, a 3 hour drive from my house.
I told my daughter that if I didn't get an answer, I might be looking to jump off the Tappanzee bridge, but look at all this traffic, in the rain. Both would make jumping very difficult.
Anyway, forget the jumping. In spite of a couple of really rough days, I am not ready to jump.
Before my appointment, we went to Whole Foods, one of my favorite places. I had brought my cooler bag with me, and then we ate lunch there.
I am so lucky .....and grateful for my family. They mean so much to me.
They mean everything.
Then after struggling to get there, through tons of construction, we made it to the waiting room.
I will not lie. My nerves were fried.
The doctor I came to see has incredible credentials, but you would have to have to do what he does.
He had the MRI of my head on a huge screen behind his desk, and he pointed out the Chiari Malformation.
One of my sweet daughters, I have three, asked him how mine compared to others he had seen.
He said, "Oh, this is the REAL MCCOY."
Uh, wait a minute.........what?????
Anyway, he explained it all, and bottom line is what I thought, this can be fixed. I might not have a good time, but I will most likely enjoy the outcome.
He still has me getting more films of my neck, since it seems that my neuro exam showed that I have a compression of my spinal cord....and he wants to know where.
Bad news: no headache relief until surgery. So I have to get through the necessary steps, and then we'll get to that.
Maybe it will be my Christmas present.
Pain relief. Don't bother with the gift wrap. I'll take it straight up.

Good news is...they can do something about your pain, even though it's going to take several steps.
I've endured lower back surgery, so I understand some of the procedures.
Here's to pain-free days my friend.
Hooooooray! Soon you will be back to your old, swell self. I love the light at the end of the tunnel. Yippee for you, dear one.
This is good news. So glad you did not jump off the bridge!!!
Thank God you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I won't make any comment about back surgery as I know nothing about it. Just so glad that the results are what they are and it can be fixed. So glad you put the kibosh on the bridge jump. Hugs, Deb
No pain relief yet, but relief in knowing the cause and the solution. And at least you have Roy to keep you company post-surgery. Oh yes, and the rest of your family of course:-)
Breathe a sigh......knowing that the end of the pain is in sight will help you get through the next days.
Bad news that's good news - fixable is wonderful. Whew~ We've been worrying about you. "Just sayin'" as you'd say. Heartfelt good wishes for the surgery and recovery.
I am glad for you that there is a "fix". Hopefully it will be soon!!
SO GLAD that relief is on the horizon!
Oh, gosh. Just in time for the holidays to have to deal with so much. Take those pain pills.
Something to look forward to! YAY!
Well this is one of those times I wish that the blogging community was all in close proximity. It would be a chance for all of us to give back to you some of your good energy by dropping off meals and vacuuming your floors. As it is, I am sure you will have all of our prayers and then some as you get through the surgery and convalescence.
I sure hope you'll be pain-free by Christmas. I'm glad your girls were there with you. Stay away from bridges for a little while longer.
Hilary, Who is the neurosurgeon treating you? I was looking around on line and found a website about Type 1 Chiari Malformation. The doctors listed were primarily in your neck of the woods. That is a blessing! I am so glad there is something that can be done and that you will be rid of the pain. You are one strong lady! Candace
So glad to hear you are getting some answers. I remember thanking the neuro. for a dx of parkinsons disease, he thought i was crazy. But after almost 5 years of not knowing what was wrong, it was such a relief to know I was not going crazy and there was a reason for everything that was going wrong with my body and mind!! Can't wait to hear that you are pain free! Deb S/cobleskill
I agree with Deb... there is a comfort in simply knowing the name of your condition. Like identifying the enemy!
The fact they have a fix for it is wonderful! Many painful conditions do not.
Best wishes and good thoughts for a happy outcome!
who may be getting her husband home again tomorrow
So glad to hear that it's fixable. I hope they get all the information they need quickly so you can get some relief.
Glad to hear the problem was finally identified and wishing you a quick recovery!
Oh good news .. even if it will be slow in coming you know what it is for sure, that I hope makes you feel a little better .. did he offer any suggestions for easing the pain til he can get it gone?
Here's wishing you a speedy road to surgery and recovery and RELIEF. I hate the tappanzee and it's traffic. Especially in the rain.
Oh that is indeed good news! Here is to quick pain relief once surgery is done. Take care of yourself, you are a special lady to all of us. By the way your lunch as Whole Foods looks delish! hugs
Glad to hear that you finally have some answers, and now along with the surgeon can plan your next steps! Lunch looks yummy!!!!!
What a positive step in the right direction! So much to be thankful for.
Been following your saga thru your posts and am so glad that you have some answers and a plan. I have never been on the Tappanzee but it looks like a headache in the rain or not. Pun intended.
Whole Foods buffet is the best thing ever second to daughters.
Just getting caught up with you over here and didn't realize what you have been dealing with. So glad to hear the good news about it and I hope the pain will soon be a thing of the past for you. ~Lili
What a relief to hear that there is a fixable reason for the headache, even if it requires surgery, the main thing is it can and will be fixed, phew......
hang on in there, this will soon be a thing of the past...
best wishes
YAY!!!! It can be fixed!!!
No fun getting there, but to enjoy the results, okay...get 'er done!
I'd wrap it up in a bow if I could.
So glad that the end is in sight for you!
I like the occasional picts of your food choices...looks yummy to me!!
So are you going to get a fancy shmancy new haircut? Have any of the doctors said anything to your regarding it be hereditary? I would check with them.
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