Does this look familiar???
She thinks it's her job.
My job was to tie the fringe on a stack of Sweet Bottoms.
Then I wove a set of looper place mats.
If the pictures aren't terrific, it's because my camera case was in the car, and I was just too lazy to go after it.
Enter: the Iphone.
I had a lot of
So the morning was a gift, and I was able to get some things done, but by noon, it was over.
It's like fighting a ghost.
When I was going around turning lights off, getting ready to leave, I noticed Sydney's perch.
By the time I got home, I was ready to hit the couch, close my eyes, and listen to Roy snore under my arm.
I think Sydney was getting ready to do some mischief.
What do you think?

Always have mischief makers at our house too... They're the most fun. :-)
What I think is how cozy and comfortable your shop looks, Hilary. How lucky you are to have this wonderful place.
Such good helpers! They are like your little Christmas elves.
Hihihihi:)))))))))))) nagyon aranyos az a macska
Mischief is what cats do best ... my little ones have been making some of their own since the Christmas tree went up last week. Sydney is just precious.
The twinkling knitted garland is just too tempting, me thinks. Especially if it sways just a bit with the breeze of an opening door....
Kate's right, its cozy and welcoming .. Sydney sure looks as if mischief is seconds away .. and the iPhone is a nice temporary sub for a real camera .. tho I heard that Annie Liebovitz endorses it ..
I can almost hear & feel Sydney purring ... lovely!
Your Sydney is my Mikey (even same color). Always underfoot, ready to "help" especially when there's food or yarn involved.
Sydney looks very happy. Plenty of goodies to get into mischief with! My cats are too lazy for mischief. They have even left the Christmas tree alone this year. Nancy
I love your stove/range in the kitchen.
Crazy cat lady :) I loves your kittehs~
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