Thank you, dear Alice, for sewing it together for me.
While I watched.
My knee....the titanium one, just won't do that on the floor trick for 2 hours, and that is what it took to put the panels together.
I am so lucky to have such a good friend, who still has good knees!!!
I love the rug. It measures almost 8' wide, and a little over 13' long.
I did a lot of different chores today, one of them was cleaning the porch up. I love my porch as much now as I did when it was built last year.
The bad news is that Bubbalee has been absent.
I saw her yesterday running across the road, with Bunnynose right behind her, and a scruffy gold cat right behind him. Apparently she has had a hormonal rush, and is looking for love, again.
Dear Lord.
A NEW trap is hopefully in the making, and we haven't given up yet. We are still trying to catch her.
Miss Puss does not understand that kind of behavior.
Lots of stuff going on in the studio.
There is a never ending list of things that need attention. I am the listmaker. You know the type, right?
My theory is that if I have a list, and I plug away at it, I will succeed.
Or something.
Not to mention that I have L plugging away at the list, as well.
The NEW Solmate sock rugs in specific colorways are in the works.
Here is the blue/purple/lavendar/black combo.
What do you think??
Is it a keeper??
So now I am 'orderless', not a bad way to be.
It means that when I get some of the drudge work done, I can play at things I want to weave.
So however long it lasts, is a good thing.
But first, there are jeans and socks to be cut and sewn, kits to be made, yard work, studio cleaning, and shelves to be stocked. Never ending.

As much as I love the bright rainbowy colors of your other rugs, the new one-colorway rug is beautiful, too. It's very striking.
I've always dreamed of a porch like yours. I have a little bitty one. I'm wondering if it stops at the top of the picture or goes around. I hear ya when it comes to these cats and the over-population problem. I have been feeding some ferals but only able to get one so far fixed and then placed in a home. The others are just so wild and smart. I can't bare to let them go hungry though so I feed them every 2 days now that summer is here. We are working on it. I admire you for your effort in helping Bubbalee. I wish more people would help instead of cause this problem with the homeless cats. Its a real epidemic. I have 4 now and they are all rescues.Now, about your rug...g.o.r.g.e.o.u.s! What a way to finish off that porch. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x4
oh i hate that bubbalee is in heat again. dang it!
Thank you for your comments on my In Memory on my blog. I see you are in Hudson Falls--old time Glens Falls folks would not consider that the same thing as being in GF. As a matter of fact, at my 50th reunion for SMA a girl who had been in our class and married a classmate, was so unhappy at being a HF girl at SMA that she begged her parents to let her transfer to HFHA which they did.I was in GF the last two years of HS and hated it. I do still have family there and in Saratoga so I get back once in awhile but it still isn't home. Very narrow people there in the late 50's
Your porch looks lovely and peaceful. I was planning on setting up an outdoor space to cut jean strips (whew, don't they make a lot of lint/dust?), but unfortunately the cicadas have invaded here and you can't hear yourself think, let alone be peaceful with those disgusting bugs flying into everything. I'll be glad when they're gone for another 13 years.
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