
Crazy as a Loom

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Dirty jobs

Remember last weekend.......when my weaving weekend canceled??? And I was upset, but gave the deposit back anyway?
Well, these flowers came on Friday, they were from the three ladies that canceled. The note thanked me, and said they would be back.
That was very nice.

If you haven't already guessed, this is a squirrel attack. First you have to make lots of noise, so they exit the premises, and then you lay on your back and nail up hardware wire all along the roof and the floor, from one end to the other, and on both sides.

When they were done, I was informed that it was the worst job ever.
I had already guessed that.
It was quite hot up there, so they took the window out while they were working.
Now we just have to wait to see how well it works.

In the meantime, the Reed Weaver's Friend came through the front door. 35 inches wide tipped up on its side, through a door 35 and 1/4 inches wide. It was a tight fit.
And it was dirtier than I thought.
What followed was a couple of hours of cleaning it with 409, polishing it with Howard's Feed and Wax, greasing it with the white lithium grease. Then I cut off the rotten cords on the front beam, and put new strapping and a wooden rod on it.

This is a rug I played at just struck my me it looks like blotches of paint in different colors. Do you like it??
Then I got more serious, and "normal", if you can call it that.
Sometimes I think normal is overrated.

Sydney Sue agrees.
Does she look like she has made herself right at home?
Ya think????


Hilary said...

That was indeed a lovely gesture. I'm sure they realized how inconvenienced you were. I'm sure your kindness made a big impression and that can only bring you good business. Don't you almost feel sorry for those squirrels? Nah, I didn't think so. ;) That kitty is gorgeous.. and so are your lovely rugs. I have to admit that I like the "normal" one better but that probably has more to do with the colours than the design.. or maybe both. :)

Lori said...

Those flowers are gorgeous! That was nice gesture by these ladies and glad to hear that they will be back. Seeing what your squirrels have done makes me cringe and thankful that the many squirrels we have around our home haven't done this yet! Once again love your rugs. And your Sydney Sue looks pretty darn comfy on there.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I love the clasped weft one a lot! I was wondering how that "new" old loom would turn out. How is it to weave on with the "auto" mechanism? Glad you got the squirrels turned out!
Jaimie in IL

Anonymous said...

The rug you just played with has a rather Southwestern appeal to it I think. AND, the Reed Weaver's Friend... my goodness! What a difference a bit of elbow grease makes in appearance. It's lovely!

The Blue Ridge Gal

Delighted Hands said...

Great job on the new loom! I love the new rug!!! It is a beautiful addition to your repertoire! Glad the squirrels will be history!

Anonymous said...

That does look like a nasty job! Hope it works. I had a squirrel problem in my first apartment I ever rented they drove me crazy!

I love this rug the colors are so pretty!

Jennifer said...

I do love the rug with the blotches of color. It's definitely a great addition to your offerings!


I like the clasped weave rug not that the "normal one" is not great. I'm glad the squirrels are gone, can't imagine them getting into your stash of cones and fiber and going to town.

Daryl said...

Normal is highly overrated .. but that kit's eyes match the rug ... I want the kit AND the rug .. sigh, cant have either right now ... congrats on the de-squirreling and the cleaning of the loom .. what a job that had to be ..

Sharon said...

I want to make one of those. I was trying to figure out your sett, like 4 epi?! I have a box of scraps from clothes that I made my children and I think a little rug by my bed would be a perfect use, though I bet it's going to involve a lot of seaming.

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Because every thread counts

Because every thread counts