Yesterday, we went to Boston, DH and I. For his birthday, back in June, I bought him two tickets to a Red Sox game.
We had heard all week that the weather was going to be really bad due to the hurricane coming up the coast, but we went anyway.
We already had a hotel reservation for the night, and Red Sox tickets in hand.
Besides, we needed to get away, even for just 24 hours.
When we got there, the weather was
just as predicted. Wet. We had a huge umbrella, we wore shoes, and not sandals. We had plastic rain ponchos ready.
We still got pretty wet. Not much you can do when it is raining sideways.just as predicted. Wet. We had a huge umbrella, we wore shoes, and not sandals. We had plastic rain ponchos ready.

It turned out that it wasn't that far away at all, and getting in out of the weather was, well, priceless.
It was pretty busy, but there were some empty tables, for which we were very grateful.

And I had a Caesar salad with crab cakes.
Bill went for the fish and chips, which looked awesome.
And they bring everyone fat chunks of delicious corn bread.
Mmmmmm, mmmmmm. I say, "let it rain."

And there was no hint at all that the rain was going to stop any time soon.
We decided to go to the Boston Aquarium, which was within walking distance.
We waited 45 minutes in the rain, just to get in.
There was also an Imax movie there.
I must admit that the aquarium was a big disappointment. I think mostly it was because there were WAY too many people there. You couldn't hear yourself think, and you could barely get close enough to the exhibits to see what they were about. And it was brutally hot.
The one thing I saw that was totally captivating, was this little boy, strapped to his momma's back with a piece of fabric.

When we got out of the aquarium, it was still raining, but it was an incredible relief to be out in the fresh air after being so cramped and overheated.

As soon as that became apparent, we got off. Back up on the street, we started walking. It was raining still, and I think we walked in circles for awhile before we finally saw the lights of Fenway in the distance.
We anticipated all day that the game would be canceled.
But when we got there, they were just taking the cover off the field.
You can't see them, but there are scads of people behind this huge tarp, pulling it off the field.
It was still not looking all that hopeful.

And sure enough, they came out to play ball.
Go figure.

It was 61 degrees, and still misting, but did it matter really?
We were already pretty wet. Our shoes were squishy. My jeans were wet to the knees, and my jacket was wet through, and I actually took it off.
Luckily I had a sweater under it.

Neither of us knew them, but they acted like they were totally charmed to meet us.
After they walked away, we wondered......who did they think we were??
We don't look famous.
Just old.
Not even old and famous.
My daughter said they were high.

There is something that goes on at a Red Sox game that is pretty incredible. Red Sox fans are passionate. And they are wildly devoted.
They did the wave too many times to count.

There seemed to be no end to them.
For some reason, Red Sox fans sing Sweet Caroline, at the top of their lungs. They put the words up so you can see them, and it gets rowdy in a pleasant way.

The tickets weren't cheap.
And Bill had been looking forward to it since June.

We were anxious to get some sleep, after our "Boston Marathon in the rain".
Baseball, hot dogs, and cold beer.

Boston is the only place where you can buy "clam chowda" at a baseball game.
Go Red Sox!!!!