Except that today, it didn't look this nice.

But I do love this house. It has its own personality. I always imagine all the people who have lived here since 1790. I know that I am not the first person to love this house, and I probably won't be the last.
I listened to NPR all day, while the pellet stove roared. It was so damp and nasty outside, but it was warm and cozy inside, and as usual, I totally lost track of time. Bob the builder, who renovated the house, fixed my Cambridge loom the other day, in 10 minutes he made an adjustment that should have been done ages ago, if I had known what to do. So I wove three rugs on it, for an order, and it went so smoothly, I decided I liked the loom better than I thought.
Tomorrow I am weaving a rug on the Toika, which is all warped and threaded and waiting.
I had decided to take November off from custom rugs, because I needed a break, but speaking of breaks, my husband broke his ankle on Saturday. So now my schedule has changed. I need to spend some time in the morning helping him, and getting him where he needs to go, since he can't drive. And at the end of the day, I have to shop and cook, and all the rest. He used to split these chores with me, which was incredibly helpful to me. It allowed me to work longer at the studio, and get more done, when I knew he was picking up the slack.
Guess I have been spoiled, and now I will appreciate him more when he is all healed up.
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