
Crazy as a Loom

Monday, April 24, 2023

You did it.

While I am totally against any form of dieting at my age, I am painfully aware that all winter long I have been eating in ways that are not necessarily good for me.
So I'm just trying to eat better.  Cleaner.
I haven't eaten meat in 14, that's incredible to me.  Seems like yesterday.

Unfortunately, sometimes not eating meat, I tend to fill up with carbs, and that is not a good thing.

I am totally stuck on this draft.  Something about the texture is so appealing to me
that I just don't get tired of it.

So I decided to tie on my next warp, and do the same draft all over again in 
different colors.
I chose pastels.

I really have no idea WHY, because I am not really a pastel kind of girl.

The first towel turned out "ok", I guess you could say that its pretty, but to be
perfectly honest, it did nothing for me.

So I decided totally ignore my choice of warp colors, and do whatever came to mind.
While they are not everyone's cuppa tea, they make me happy, and that's what counts.

My love of the texture continues, and I have no idea how long I will be weaving 
these towels.   I guess I will weave them until I don't.

And that's ok, too.

Someone at my house has a ball obsession.
Not saying who.

Yesterday was a lovely rainy day, so I made detox lentil soup.
It's the bomb, and definitely one of my faves.  It's pure comfort.

I love to read, but I admit that my reading habits are probably weird.

I read several books in a row, devour them really, and then I'm done.
I won't read for a week, or 2, or 3, or even more.  
Then, suddenly, I will be reading again, and I will read like I can never 
get enough.
Until I don't.

What's up with that?

My new favorite author is Paul Harding.   The book that won the Pulitzer Prize, was The Other Eden.   I just finished that one, and went on to read the second one, Tinkers.
His mastery of the English language is fierce.  I just love him.  Here is an excerpt
that spoke to me.

And yes, I am still drawing.   It's all coming from some dark corner of my head,
I scarce want to know where.

I feel like I might have my second wind here, I hope you all don't get sick of reading.
  It's your own fault, you are too encouraging. :)


Joanne Noragon said...

Nice to see you so soon. "My towel" is a similar weave, very tactile. I have been weaving it since the olden days, when I did major shows. Now I just putter along with a web page and My Towel.
How I relate to that lentil soup! It is beautiful.

Rita said...

I am so glad people have given you the incentive to post more often once again--hurray!! I do love to hear from you. Love the towels of random colors you picked the second time vs the pastels...but they are both beautiful.

I do lots of things in spurts like you read books so I don't find it unusual at all. ;)

Patty said...

Sorry that I have never commented but I read all your posts.
Your towels and colors you use are so beautiful!
I, also read Paul Harding books. He also goes under another name p c Doherty. I love his books and the details he uses when writing about a time period.
Dogs and balls certainly go together don’t they?

Anonymous said...

You can write everyday and share your lovely life. I love reading about you, your animals, your home, the weaving of course.

Twylla Alexander said...

And you can draw, too! Thank you for continuing to share your creativity and life.

Welcome to my world.

Because every thread counts

Because every thread counts