After griping and bellyaching about my knee for the last 8 months, it is finally done.
My knee replacement took place last Friday. I stayed in the hospital once night, and came home the next day.
For any of you who have had this surgery, you know that the pain is no joke........
I am still relieved to have it in the rearview mirror..........and every day it gets a bit better.
I have commandeered my husband's recliner, it is where I am most comfortable. I only had to promise not to ever say that it's ugly, again. Apparently, I mention it often.
DH has settled in on the couch with Willie for his evening TV, and I have mastered getting in and out of this recliner on my own.
Being that it has been very hot and humid, I am also very appreciative of our new central AC unit. Now I'm wondering why we waited so long.
Friends and family have been wonderful, coming over to help me, and every day I can do just a little more on my own.
Will blog more later, but for now, thanks for all the encouragement, and support.
It's a done deal!!!!!!!

Yay! I hope you have fast healing and quick resolution to the pain! I'll be watching for updates!
Glad to hear you're looking ahead to better days. Hope all continues to go well.
So happy to hear the surgry is behind you!!!
Such a relief to have it done with! Now I hope the recovery goes steadily.
I am going through the same pain and have finally gotten an appointment to see what I can do to make my life better. Congratulations on your getting it done, heal well and quickly.
Wishing you prompt recovery Hillary!
Congratulations!!! Now make sure you do your therapy!!
Good for you! It's done! It will get better and better every day. I promise! You are faster than me getting up out of the recliner by yourself!
For the first week just pamper yourself. I hated the recliner too. Bet once you are better, you will never sit in the damn thing again, I don't! lol.
Central air is the nuts. So glad we did it a few years back when we replaced the furnace.
So proud of you. The surgery is no joke but the results are so worth it.
Hurray for you, my SIL had both done, one after another and she was in her 70's, what a rock star, you can do it!
Glad it's done and the recup can begin.
Glad to hear that it is done and wishing you a speedy recovery. And hoping that you can wave goodbye to that pain.
My lifelong friend (who is also a nurse) husband had his second knee replacement in March. Like you, he was home after a one night stay. My friend's comment was: "Pretty soon they'll just send you the kit to do it at home!"
Good for you. The only way forward is to move forward. I hurt my back last year and had to buy a recliner, I know how you feel about them. They help so much but I still don't see the beauty !!
I wish a fast recovery !
It is wonderful that you have the surgery behind you and are doing so well. Each day should bring you closer to getting to enjoy your life more. I live in the south so A/C is a necessity. It's great that the "ugly" recliner is being a real asset to you as you recover. Bet the dogs miss having you on the sofa though. Sending wishes for a fantastic recovery!
Sending healing. I need to find a recliner. I’m sure it’s vital to the first couple of weeks of knee replacement.
I am glad it went well! I know you are a nurse but I thought I would share my experience. I did Home Health nursing for over a decade and worked with many patients who had this surgery. The one thing that seemed to make a difference is to keep icing 2-3 X daily for several months, only about 15 minutes, but I can't tell you how many times it made the difference in pain and mobility.
Good Luck!
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