Rough night, waking up every hour with such a headache.......troublesome dreams in between, because I was so tired.
This morning, after I let the dogs out and fed them, and the cats, I settled on the couch in my favorite (ok my only) bathrobe, and wondered WTH I was going to be able to do today. Then I actually admitted to myself, that I didn't really give a damn. Pain takes over at some point, and the mind just throws in the towel. Enough already.
Then I picked up my laptop, to look to see if the time of year was what was making my headache rock. The ragweed mostly. I checked my blog 2018, but no mention in September or October of this kind of distress.
So I tried 2017, and I came across this post:
Sept 12, 2017
Then I read your comments. All of them. It made me teary, and I realized, that "this too shall pass".
Hold on. Hold on tight, and try not to worry. This is exactly where you are supposed to be, no matter how much it hurts.
All those years in Al Anon, (not one minute wasted), bring me back to the most important lesson I have ever learned: One day at a time. One hour.......ok, one minute at a time.
I found the herbal heat packs I ordered from Bed, Bath and Beyond, and heated them up.
The one went on my neck and shoulders.
The one across my face did the trick......I could instantly feel my sinuses start to drain. Wowza.
Here's what it looks like, and when heated, it smells wonderful.
Who knew?
Then I ate half a bagel, took some Claritin, and some Alleve, took a shower, and got myself ready for the day.
I made a decision to love this day, no matter what.
When Lois arrived, set to finish threading a loom, I told her I wanted to take a drive, to look for an old cemetery I had found years ago, and wasn't entirely sure if I could find it.
She said, "Let's go."
So we piled the kids (Naya and Willie) in the car, and set out for Crown Point, NY.
And it's true, 30 years ago, I was touring the back roads and came across this old cemetery, there just happened to be a little wooden sign by the road. I was amazed to find, that my great, great, great grandfather, his wife and a son were buried there. I had all the family tree mapped out, I had done all that back in the 70's. And here they were. Serendipity.
We amazingly found the path into the woods, and the cemetery, with very little trouble. The sign by the road was gone, but there was a rusty chain from two old cedar poles, and it looked promising.
The sign was in the woods, where you entered the actual space.
I wanted to take photos of the gravestones, because I knew that eventually the information would be lost, and probably no one else will go there.
It wasn't far off the road at all, and there were a lot more graves there than I remember.
It was, sadly, abandoned and uncared for.
My great, great, great grandfather was there, Zebedee Cooper, Jr., his wife Melinda Cooper, (also referred to as Linda) and their son, Curtis Cooper, who died at age 16.
I wish I owned the land, and it was closer, I would keep the cemetery in better shape.
But I'm glad we went, and I will make notes of exactly where it is.
We left there, and took the kids for a walk in the woods, which they thoroughly enjoyed.
Saw some funky fungi. Have no idea what kind they are.
Brought two tired pups home to continue their afternoon snooze.
While I finish my new book.
The headache??? Oh, it's still with me, but it can't have this day, not entirely.
I just said NO.