I go through phases. One of them is a reading phase........I read book after book, as L would say, I'm a serial reader. Like her.
Until I'm not. Then I take a break, for no particular reason, for a few weeks, then I get the bug again.
Here are two I just read........very good reads, both of them.
So you all know I'm a tea-aholic. It's true.
I really am. I blame it on my English mother.
This shawl was not here long. I think I sell more things on FB, than I do on my web site.
Makes me wonder sometimes why I still keep it.
One of my favorite things, Cassoulet beans, from Rancho Gordo.
First some onions and garlic, celery and carrots, then the presoaked beans, and some vegetable, or chicken, broth, and cook until tender. Simple.
So. Very. Delicious.
My little grandson, who has my heart, along with his sister.
A good friend took L and I to lunch the other day.........we sat on the deck overlooking the Mettowee.
Pictures out of order, that's just how I'm feeling today.
It's been an interesting week.
These two are pals, he is good for her, gets her moving, and she is good for him, she settles him.
They share their beds, and their food dishes, and me.
The other day, we went to Maine, for a quick overnight. I was on a yarn buying mission.
It was a troublesome trip, with my husband almost losing consciousness while he was driving,
me driving to the nearest McDonald's, rushing in to demand orange juice, practically pouring it down his throat.........trying to get it done, while he was conscious, because after that, it's a mad dash to the nearest ER.
His recovery is as quick and remarkable, as is his decline. Because his kidneys are not working correctly, insulin is not processed the way you would expect.......and to be honest, you can not really have any expectations at all.
Finally, we got to Maine, and I had wine with lunch. I figured I deserved it.
Later, while he was napping, I sat and enjoyed the breeze by the ocean, and had my own pity party.
Times like this, I miss my mother.
She always listened better than anyone else.
She would always say, "It's going to be O.K." And I always believed her.
Naya and Willie may be buddies, but they are very different.
Naya is very food oriented, she loves attention, but she can be diverted with food.
Not Willie. There is no food item that will lure him away from being loved.
He loves everyone, and he expects to be loved pretty much all the time.
My dear, sweet, adorable friend Alice stopped by........and Willie was smitten.
Do you blame him?
Every morning, these two go out and race around the yard for 20 minutes, it's become their routine.
And then they sleep.
I have always been fearful that if Naya got loose somehow, she would run off, and get lost.
Yesterday, on a walk in the fields, I stepped in a hole, and fell hard.
As I started to get up, I realized that Willie's leash was still on my arm, and Naya was running off up ahead, loose.
My worst nightmare.
I called to her, she turned.
I said, "Come, Naya."
And she did.
so, see. sometimes things do turn out ok.

OMG - that must have been SO SCARY with the hubby on the drive! Your nursing background probably really helped you to remain calm, but still....
Love the fact that your 2-dog life is working out well for you. My little Jack has been pretty clear that he wants to be an only pet. Although sometimes I still consider it - adopting a senior dog.
All in all, life is good.
It will be OK! Every single time your blog reminder comes up in my email I know I will see things that will make me smile. The driving/passing out scare was just that scary. As an aside, mine choked on his last tiny sip of wine the other night and stopped breathing. I couldn't even force air in his lungs. I should have raised his arms instead. He doesn't believe it happened.
Your dogs!Big smile!!! Looks like Naya is finally understanding what love is all about. She came! And no food bribe. I know that relieves your mind. I really like that the two dogs share beds, how cute is that?
That shawl is wonderful. Someone got very lucky. Your weaving is so beautiful, consistently. That can not be creative folding so did you attach a collar?
I'm not sure why I felt the need to comment, except to say "It will be OK" Thanks for the smiles.
Oh, they are such a good pair. I love when that happens. He is so very grateful you gave him that second chance, a wonderful life. And I bet you cursed a few times upon the hole step. Hate when that happens! Glad you didn't break anything.
Things do turn out okay but it’s that suspense while waiting that really gets to me. Thanks for the book recommends. I loved Before We Were Yours and need to get that Kristen Hannah, trying to read all her books. None have failed me yet :-)
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