It's a adjustment for everyone, but I think he is beginning to believe that it's real.
And that's half the battle, isn't it??
And hallelujah, it's September! Summer is over, and I don't mind one bit. It's been too hot, and WAY too humid. I love the autumn, with its cooler weather, beautiful colors, and slower pace.
Time to start making soup again.
Four more weeks until the last actual show we are doing..........a lovely show in a small Vermont village, at the perfect time of year.
I finished the silk warp on the wasn't a problem at all. I quite enjoyed it.
I had never dyed silk before, and contrary to all the instructions out there, I used MX Reactive dyes, and it turned out just fine.
This last bit was only long enough for a shawl.
When I was uploading these photos, I accidentally clicked on this one, of me and Bubbalee just last year.
I miss her, she was the girl in charge.
So I've accumulated a stack of fabric collages, and now I'm trying to decide what to
do with them.
I can only make so many greeting cards.
I had thought of selling each of them as they are, for someone to do whatever
they wanted with them.
I would kind of like to make a wall hanging, or two. I am stuck on deciding what I would use for "grids" to separate them.
Any suggestions would be welcome.
Here they are, in no special order.
I could just keep making them, and stacking them up. I enjoy the process that much.
But I just keep thinking that I should have a plan.
And I don't.
I am very glad that I did not buy a new couch when I was shopping for one a couple of months ago.
Because this bird brain loves to make a special place for himself out of it.
Like I said, he's settling in nicely.

Some black fabric between thecollages would look good. Black just goes with everything!
the 8th from the top i would LIKE TO BUY .. i would frame it and hang it, i love it ... $$?
and our new ginger catboy Sid likes to unmake the bed to get himself a comfy spot ...
I am so glad he's settling in finally. Love his couch nest! Goofy guy.
I don't know how you could display those for a wall hanging but they are just lovely.
I imagine you will sell some the cards at the last show, too. :)
Love his cubby with the comfy quilts.
hahahaha.... I'm not laughing at you, though. He's just somethin' What a lucky, lucky dog.
How about using those fabric collages for a pillow front. Like throw pillows for a bed or couch. They'd be gorgeous!
Love the picture of you an Bubbalee. I miss your cat stories!
Hilary you are awesome, once Willie settles into a routine he will get over his anxiety. I'm sure having Naya for company will help too.
Gorgeous weaving as always.
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