A few months ago, I made an attempt to do some kind of fabric collage. It was an epic failure.
I really thought it was going to be good, and it wasn't.
I was disappointed, but just chalked it up to a bad decision.
Then I decided to make the prayer flags, I thought maybe that would satisfy whatever creative itch
I was trying to scratch.
They were ok........more appreciated by other people, me not so much.
Then, a chance email from a friend, who made this suggestion.
I was off to YouTube, then to Joann's for some supplies, and before you knew it, I had found
that illusive endeavor I was looking for.
Introducing Crazy as a Loom Collage
First I started with cards....... and I was totally enjoying myself. I hardly did any weaving for several days........I made 78 cards to start, sold 31 of them on FB, and then made probably 50 more.
My only problem making these collages, was doing the quilting. My sewing machine is not level with my sewing table, so the piece I was working on would fall off the edge, and the pieces of fabric and ribbon and thread that I had on it, would slide off.
So, my answer to a $2000 sewing table, to get my machine level, was a $9 box from the UPS store.
And some painters tape.
It really does work perfectly, and will be easily stored when I'm not using it.
I did some framed pieces as well.
I'm ready to take some cards to our next show.
And some little note books........
Some with sayings, some without.
I have to say that I don't even really care if they sell or not, though I think they will. I am having so much fun making them. It's an outlet for something that I was missing, and I'm using all these scraps from weaving.......fabric, thrums, all of it.
So it really makes me smile, to be making something that I like, from stuff that I would have thrown away.
Of course, my sewing room is a complete disaster, but I will just have to deal with that for now.
And right now, this is just what I need.