We had a huge storm, in fact, I have never seen wind here like that.....someone said it was 92 mph, I don't know if that is true. But the huge trees in my side yard were horizontal to the ground.
It came on quickly, and didn't last long, but it did a lot of damage.
The top of the apple tree fell on my car.
DH had a canvas garage for his car, that was destroyed and blew a ways away, scratching his car up in the process.
Several huge locust trees came down, one destroyed the stockade fence between my dog yard and the labyrinth.......and a couple destroyed one whole side of the black chain link fence I had put up for Roy.
When one of those trees came down, it pulled the entire electrical entrance and all the wires completely off my house.
So, no power for THREE days.
But as I walked through the yard, surveying the damage, I saw this.
And I smiled.
No power means no water means no toilet.
I've done this before. I don't remember it being so uncomfortable.
In bed when it got dark, because you couldn't even read.
Very unpleasant.
Makes me realize how really spoiled we are.
So first the electrician, then the electrical inspector, then finally the power company.
Then the adjustors, for cars, for house. Then the fence guy to estimate how much it will cost to replace the chain link fence.
Then having partial trees, that are now very dangerous, taken down. And cleaning up a million little branches all over the property.
Stacking up the wood from the trees, hoping to find someone who wants it.
Yes, it has been quite the time.
I am longing for things to be back to normal.
When the power came on after 72 hours, it was heaven.
Roy hunkered down by the pellet stove.......I just enjoyed being able to read without a flashlight.
It's amazing, really, how spoiled we are, by all the conveniences that we have.
DH missed the TV, which is like nourishment to him.
I just missed having lights, and water.
We now have THREE cats outside.....one is a long haired black cat, who comes on occasion.
Bubbalee eats here most days......she is very independent, and has been coming around for 8 years.
Goldie, however, or Butter as I sometimes call him/her, is a permanent resident.
And desperately wants to COME IN.
Something I do not think the inside girls will appreciate at all.
My sweet boy Roy has had his issues of late......passed out four times in two days, scared us to death.
I called the vet, and he suggested cutting back on his blood pressure med, which I did. He's been good since, so I'm hoping that was the problem.
I can't envision life without him, though I know that's inevitable.
I do what I can to keep him around as long as he's happy.
Some days I just hold my breath.