How did I ever work 40-50 hours a week as a nurse??
My 6 month dental deal is finally over, got my NEW BRIDGE at last.
And no, I have no idea why I was taking a selfie AND talking on the house phone at the same time.
Roy does not have that problem. He is the KING of comfy.
The nights have been cool, so the pellet stove is still in use.
During the day, Roy watches me while I weave.
This baby wrap is on its way to London.
You probably know by now that I love to bake.
For 26 years I have been cooking on this old Tappan range. I bought it for $75 from the estate of my 6th grade teacher.
It was an awesome stove, and I loved it dearly for all those years.
I thought I would always have it.
But lately, I have had to rethink it. It always smelled of gas. You can't buy the parts for it anymore. The oven wouldn't stay lit. Often, I had to get down on the floor and relight the oven. The oven is small, and you can't fit a regular size cookie sheet in it.
I have always worked around that.
But the other day, it wouldn't keep the oven temperature up. It took three times as long, and a higher temp, to cook a tray of cookies.
I thought long and hard, and decided it was time.
So as pretty as she was, she is gone.
In her place, NOT SO PRETTY, but oh so much more efficient.
Convection oven.
Self cleaning.
Gas cooktop, with huge extra burner in the center.
LIGHT in the oven.
NO gas smell. NO worry.
Don't hate me. I already feel guilty enough.
The other night, we decided to take Roy in my husband's truck to pick up something.
He sat in the back, and he whined and whined.
Finally, this stupid human GOT IT.
I got in the back, he sat in HIS SEAT in the front, like he always does when DH takes him for a ride or they go for a dump run.
No more whining, content, actually fell asleep on the way home.
But the look. O.M.G.
"Sorry, Mom".

I think Roy is saying "We can share mom!"
Sorry, but not sorry enough to give up his seat :-)
oh i have stove envy .. not that i cook or bake but i love new gadgets ... and i love Roy ...
LOVE that new stove, and I sure did laugh at the story of Roy. :-)
Roy you are a charmer! Your old stove did have a lot of character and I have long admired it first. Your biscuits look wonderful, please pass the butter '-)
Oh what we do for our they two legged or 4...
Sorry to hear that you lost your old friend (the kitchen stove), but I am sure you will love the new one. I understand about Roy, we have three very, very spoiled Shih-Tzu dogs and my wife even cooks their meals for them. I can attest to the fact that our dogs' food taste great!! Yep, I have eaten it, too, when I can get away with it.
Poor Roy! I have a Scottie that thinks the copilot seat in the motorhome is his.
So glad to see that Roy has you well trained and that you mind him - just the way he likes it. Same thing happens at my house. The days are planned to keep our dogs comfortable.
Enjoy the new stove. I love my convection ovens!
Sweet dear Roy. I see the grey and the wise knowing looks. A statesman for sure. Sending pets and hugs your way. I love that he has claimed the passengers seat for his own. And why not that small little comfort. He gives so much more back.
Nice stove! It was time, but too bad the old one no longer could be fixed or restored.
Roy was saying thank you, because he loves you and you get him. :-)
Love love love your new stove! We are moving in June, and I have always wanted a gas range. There isn't one there now, but there IS propane in the house - the fireplace and heat unit are propane. Yay! Eventually, I will get a range like yours - gas on top, convection on bottom. Not at all hating on you - envious, yes, hating, never.
Hugs to you both.
Love the Roy story. I am very sad about your stove.
Oh my gosh- that look! I swear, if they could talk! Too cute! I have a harder and harder time with wanting "new" anything. I don't want to learn new buttons and dials, I want basic functions and to just know they'll work. But when they need repair? So many times we hear, "don't make those parts anymore."
I'm fairly new to your blog, but really enjoy reading it! I, too, am a nurse who is really looking forward to retirement so I can spend more time weaving. LOVE the new stove!
LOL Love it...
I've thought the same thing - how did I ever work and find time to weave! I realize that the difference is giving myself permission to chat with a neighbor without a deadline, to casually read the newspaper until I'm done, and to take a walk if the spirit moves me - all without schedule.
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