And it's cold.
Living in this old house is an experience. Central heat??? Ha!!!
There is heat, but the temperature in every room is different. In the old part of the house, that is now my working studio, it is cooler, unless you turn on the gas fireplace. I don't like to turn it on, because I think I can hear "ching, ching" of the cost of propane. And usually, we don't need it when we're weaving in there, it gets too hot with it on.
Roy, however, thinks differently.
So we try to accommodate him. Wouldn't you?
The warmest room in the house, and the place to be if you are chilled, is the living room. That's where the pellet stove is, and it's toasty.
This is where we spend our evenings, and where I knit in my pajamas.
My life is so exciting. Ha!
Even though I have downsized my business, and slowed down my life, I am still busy, in a good way. I guess you would say that I always have a purpose in mind. I am not into "willy nilly".
There is so much to do in a day. I can honestly say that I am never bored.
There are bird feeders to keep filled.
Raw energy salad to be made.
Placemats to be hemmed as soon as Lois gets done with them.
And towels to be woven.
Cookies to be made.
And baby grand girls who need to spend time in the chicken coop.
" Come in, Mimi."
I get afraid sometimes. I think it's part of the human condition.
We worry about our health, our family's health. We worry about money, and bills, and a jillion other things. As we get older, we lose people, it's just the way it is. I know people who won't go anywhere, in case the cellar floods, or the power goes out, or whatever.
When I find myself persevering about some imagined difficulty, worrying about something that hasn't happened, I pull myself right back.
Feed the birds, take Dale to the chicken coop, make cookies, weave towels, make that raw energy salad...................
Do the things right in front of you, because really, that's all you have.
Worry and regret: huge waste of my precious life.
Can I hear an amen??????

22 comments: use in worrying. I'm on this eat less and move more kick and that is my answer to looking after my health. I won't pay for a gym *horrid places* so I just walk. I'm like you; do the things you love and be with family & friends as much as possible. I understand the different temps in different rooms in an older home. Our old house was like that and I spent most nights in front of the wood-fire. I do miss the fireplace this winter while we hide out in the mouse house. The house we will build will have a pellet stove. :)Stay warm. Hugs, Deb
Amen to the nth degree. Learning to love a quieter life is a real skill.
Amen! I tell myself all the time, don't worry about something that hasn't happened yet. Does it always work? Nope, but I am ever hopeful...
LOL I thought that I read that you were KNITTING pajamas, not knitting IN your pajamas. My first thought? Wow, talk about being toasty warm! I'll admit, that's the same way I knit and crochet. I also shower and brush my teeth before I start, just in case I fall asleep! And it has happened...LOL Have a great weekend.
Amen soul siesta.
Absolutely amen! You have the important things all figured out!
Amen! When i don't know what to do, i can "serve the Lord with gladness" doing the job that is right in front of me.
Amen... It is all the little things which make our lives full and content.
Absolutely amen! Thank you for always seeming to put things into perspective. It is in the daily ordinary that really can be the most amazing.
Dear Hilary!
Thanks a lot for your beautiful and very positive blog! You are right: be and do here and right now, stop to worry! Thanks again!
I get it about the heat in the house! My "newer" home has little electric heaters in each room, including the mud room. Not efficient unless you are sitting in front of them. I'm here by myself and I have been able to start fires in a regular fireplace, but have not mastered that skill in my beautiful wood stove, so my living room is not lived in! I would love to be in there with a nice fire and my crocheting or cross stitching. That is what I moved here for.
Dale is growing up so fast! My goodness she is adorable! She looks like she's a great little chicken coop helper.
Thank you so much for your very inspirational blog posts. I look forward to hearing from you and your wonderful life!
AMEN! Live in the moment.
Life is too short, especially as we get older. I keep trying to cram more and more into it.
Life is precious.
Live it now. Can't do anything about the past. Can't do anything about the future. Just enjoy what is.
Right on.
AMEN! Love Dale's little cold nose in the picture. Live in the moment and enjoy life - we all need to follow Roy's lead he has got it down to a perfect science.
Amen for sure, Hilary! We have such a similar life and I love it! A life full of color and texture though you have your granddaughters and I have my horses...a beautiful life, indeed!
Amen. Love Dale's pink nose and all the cozy shots. This former New Englander would say to hang heavy lined drapes--maybe velvet--in those windows, but it would spoil the glorious light and the lovely spareness--but it would keep the cold out and the warm in--somewhat. I decided I wanted some here in VA because it's cold and drafty, so I looked online and they're expensive and not so well-made looking. Best to run them up on the sewing machine, but I dislike that kind of sewing, so I expect we'll make it to spring without them and I'll think about it again next year at this time.
So, what exactly is the wonderful salad you have pictured? I would like to make it. Thank you.
amen indeed
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Amen from me, too. I've been retired for 3 years now and love the slower pace of my life. Walks with the big dog for the sheer enjoyment of it rather than "required" exercise are an enormous pleasure. I can say that I have yet to be bored and wonder how that could even happen. I love this life.
I am trying to live the same way...worry is a waste of time.
yes ma'm! absolutely amen!
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