My headaches are still running my life. I try very hard not to let them, but it's a losing venture, I'm afraid.
I wake up way too many mornings with a smashing pain across my forehead. The only fix is sitting very still with heat on my neck, hot coffee, sometimes Advil, sometimes Excedrin, and patience.
Usually, in 2-3 hours, it will let up enough so I can start my day.
Then, at any time, it can come roaring back. If I do too much. If I don't keep balance in my day. If I rush around too much. If I am not paying attention to what my NECK wants. Unfortunately, my neck usually wants to do NOTHING. And NOTHING is not, and has never been, in my vocabulary.
Resting my neck, with heat, throughout the day, helps.
Honestly, I never saw this in my life. Never saw it coming, couldn't have imagined it if I had tried.
Me, the most energetic, hard working person you've ever known.
Resting. Reading and knitting MID DAY. Oh, the horrors.
The rewarding side of that is that I finished this hoodie for baby Dale, and I'm going to give it to her today when we go for Thanksgiving dinner.
I like the way it turned out.
Some good news.........I was pleasantly surprised and rewarded by the recent guild show. I took 48 dish towels, and sold 42. I took 17 möbius shawls, and sold 7. And I also sold rugs, placemats, and sweet bottoms. My studio looks bare with all that product gone.
Of course, the reality is that I am not all that sure I can, or want to, replace it.
I guess I will just take it a day at a time, knowing that I can only weave for an hour at a time, and then maybe twice a day. Maybe.
This has been my coffee table since the mid 80's.
I bought it at a garage sale for $2. It was painted yellow.
It is wobbly, always has been.
My kids have teased me about it for years, urging me to buy a new, shiny one. A "no wobble" one.
And I resisted. Of course I did.
But then I decided that I wanted to repurpose all the old doors that I have in the barn. I wanted a coffee table that had storage underneath for my knitting.
So I designed this, and Cory, my fave carpenter, put it together. Then DH stained the bottom to match.
I first thought I wanted a piece of glass for the top, but after using it for a few days, I don't think so. I like it just fine the way it is.
But not to worry, I'm going to repurpose "old wobbly". I just can't part with it. I think of my oldest grandson learning to walk holding on to it. I remember my first two pit bulls, Eddie and Chicki wrestling underneath it, almost tipping it over. It's personal.
The pies are made, Lois is in NYC watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, and I am taking it easy until the family gets together later today.
Dale modeling the dress I made her before she was born.
We all have reasons to stick around as long as we can manage.
She's one of mine.
Thankful on this day.