OK, so you know the history.....head trauma, surgeries, headaches. But this last MRI did not show any bone growth, so my neurosurgeon said he thought that perhaps my sinuses were causing my facial pain.
Off to the ENT. Ct scan showed that my sinuses are generally fine, but that the openings to them are very small.
Of course they are. Pfffft.
His take on my headache is that it is a "cauldron headache". He said that with all the head trauma from the fall and the surgeries, the hole in the back of my head, the rods in my neck, that maybe the pressure in my sinuses was just ONE thing more to fill that cauldron to overflowing.
He felt that my relief from Claritin D, with the decongestant, and my distress with impending storms, somewhat pointed to my sinuses.
So yesterday I had a balloon sinuplasty done.
He had originally wanted to do it in his office, but the more I thought about it, the more horrible that idea was to me.
I've had enough torture to last me quite a long time. So I opted for day surgery and drugs.
Yesterday was a long day......and the pain in my face.........well, let's just say it topped the list of AWFUL. I was in bed early.
This morning, I have the shadows of two black eyes, and the swelling in my sinuses make me feel like my whole HEAD is a BALLOON.
Tomorrow should be better. Then we'll see if this helped, or not.
I am trying not to go there......if it doesn't help, I have no idea what is next for me.
I only know that three years of a headache every day, in varying degrees, is enough to try the patience of a saint.
And I'm not.
Moving right along.
I just want to remind you all that the Hip to Be Square looper loom, which I created to continue my recycling efforts of loopers from Solmate Socks, is now being distributed by Andrew Gustin, the son of my friend and mentor, Chris Gustin. He has done some wonderful things with my ideas, and come up with fascinating ideas of his own........more sizes, color combos. They make great Christmas gifts for adult and kids, and FOR YOURSELF.....you can see them HERE
or email him HERE
Lois and I are in collaboration on some new place mats....I am cutting and sewing fabric, and sewing hems, she is weaving.
Our placemat selection is limited, we haven't made any in a while.
Hopefully, we'll get a stack of them done between other things.
We work well together.
Oh, yeah, I mentioned a GIVEAWAY.
Well, it is Christmas, and it's always nice to get a gift you didn't plan on getting.
So, the gift this year is one of my brand new design of dish towels from Crazy as a Loom.
I will randomly pick the winner on Friday the 19th sometime in the evening. All you have to do is post a comment and mention "TOWEL".
I am trying to get through the holidays without being stressed. I am very much looking forward to 2015 and all it may bring.
I'm the eternal optimist.
I think that is what saves me, to be honest.
I can't imagine anything else.
See you in the comments!!!!

I pray this procedure is the final one for you and that you can be headache free from now on. I also thank you for the chance to win a TOWEL, they are lovely.
You have gone through so much. I hope that this is finally the end of your pain.
Your TOWEL is beautiful, as are all of your towels. Thank you for offering one as a give away.
I love your TOWEL designs and would love a chance to win one. I hope the surgery worked and you are free of the headaches. I can't imagine every day with a headache...and yes your are a saint for putting up with them for so long.
I really hope you feel better soon. TOWEL!
Hilary, I hope you get the relief you need from this procedure. The placemats are so pretty! I like the TOWEL and would enjoy having it in my kitchen!
Love the new placemats and I'm really enjoying the pics of your hens-
Feel better!
Wishing you a healthy and joyful holiday. I would use your beautiful TOWEL to decorate my kitchen.
Let's hope this works well. Your ENT makes good sense as to the reason for continuing headaches.
Sending good thoughts and all that good stuff your way. You're gonna have a great Christmas.
My Christmas present to YOU, Hillary, is that I hope and pray your headaches get better! The TOWELS that you weave are beautiful...
I can't imagine what that feels like.. and I hope it stops feeling like that soon! And that it helps greatly. I can't blame you for opting for the drugs. I hope you still have something to help you through this process. And you do indeed have the patience of a saint.
The towel looks wonderful but I'm still enjoying a pair that I've won previously from you, so I'll leave this to someone else.
Would love to win a towel. They are beautiful. Sorry your headaches continue.
First, I hope this surgery will be the thing that gets you back to being pain free. I've been reading your blog for some time and have to admire you for all you do with all you have been thru. Love all your creations and would love to win the TOWEL. Thanks for the opportunity to enter the giveaway. (shirparks@gmail.com)
Well, I hope this surgery is all you hope. The dish towels are lovely. I definitely need new dish towels so hopefully I will win.
Towel, towel, towel, towel, towel!!!!!!! I love your towels, Hilary. And please think about coming up here for a visit after the holidays...I have a guest room or three after the boys leave and we could talk weaving till the cows come home and you could give your sinuses a rest maybe. I'm thinking of you! <3
I love your new towels and hope I can win one. The snow looks lovely where you are but here in Georgia the weather is lovely and sunny and warm. Come back and visit beautiful Georgia and lose your headache!
I fervently hope that your newest treatment leaves you pain free! Would love to win a TOWEL! Thank you for being so generous, and cluck cluck to the girls.
Lovely towel pattern, amazing inspiration, incredible endurance. Love it that you love what you do...weaving!
Hopefully this last surgery is the LAST SURGERY!!
Best wishes and Merry Christmas and I hope I win a TOWEL! (love them!)
Lee Anna
I love the snowy picture you posted. Hope the procedure you endured helps and have a Happy Holiday. Love your towel and hope I receive a surprise gift.
Praying for you as I comment. Hopefully you will get a bit of relief soon. Your work is beautiful...I need to look at your shop, I'd love to have a table runner in the near future!
Oops...towel! (o;
You are in my prayers for total healing. And having a towel from you would be a beautiful thing.
Wow your poor head, I sure hope this helps. Just an fyi, the D part of Claritin can cause a racing heart rate, so make sure your blood pressure is good. I was getting major headaches for ages and they put me on BP drugs and got rid of the D part and no more headaches. Still have sinus issues but they are manageable. Really hope this gives you relief, you sure are due for a break. Love your weaving and wish I could afford to buy a lot! And think you are a good chicken mom, of course they need a roof! Hows your stray population? Havent seen any post about visiting kitties in a long time... Well wishing you and all the 4 foots a happy holiday, pain free!
I am praying for a quick recovery! Your TOWELS are beautiful!
Being an optimist will never hurt anything! Keep it up. I absolutely love the new TOWEL design. Just gorgeous. ~chris
Aw Hilary, you know I have been hoping and praying for some relief for you for three years now. I will pray that this procedure is the right one and will finally end this for you. You are the most optimistic person and deserve to live your life free of any pain. You are in my thoughts, my friend. If you are including Canadian bloggers then "Towel" it is. Deb
Best of wishes on your latest procedure....praying for healing! Love the beautiful TOWEL....your designs are AMAZING!!!!
Stay optimistic~hoping for the best for you!
Love your towel! HaPpY Holidays! Lee
Those TOWELs are gorgeous!
Dear Eternal Optimist. Don't throw in the TOWEL. Maybe this latest thing is what will cure the pain forever. One can only hope. xoxo
Love the snow pic.
I would love to win a TOWEL. They look beautiful.
Fingers and toes crossed the surgery makes a BIG difference for you.
An optimist does not throw in the TOWEL. Good wishes and thoughts for noticeable improvement in these immediate days to come. {{{}}}
I love your beautiful TOWELS!!! It is so kind of you to have a Christmas giveaway.
I sincerely hope this test is able to help you find the problem and offer a treatment that will help... Wishing you a pain free 2015!
I use my teal towel every day. It fits well in my ocean theme bathroom. I too always hope the latest "fix" is the last. May it be so for you.
The snowy picture caught my eye..so pretty! Until I saw the placemats...so pretty! Until I saw the TOWEL...so pretty!! Praying you find relief in this last procedure....it's been a long 3 years. Please get better soonest!!
Merry Christmas TOWEL, and TOWEL a good night!
I wouldn't feel bad at all if I won your TOWEL giveaway a second time :-)
Hi Hillary
I'm sure you hate it when others say the snow is beautiful - especially when the others don't have snow to deal with. But it is. I'm a NYer by birth, but live in VA now, and we get snow - sometimes - usually never for a White Christmas. The snow IS pretty. Thank you for sharing.
The surgery you had sounds awful. (((hugs))) I hope it does help though, because you deserve some relief and a break!
Everything you do is beautiful, and the towels fall right into that category. I don't need towels, but I wouldn't turn down your towels..... :-)
I do hope you feel better today, tomorrow and from now on! Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy everything else too.
Martha in VA
Looking at the towels and placemats you and Lois weave is eye candy on a cold winter's day. They reflect the joy that cannot be hidden even by the heavy fog of evil headaches. Here's to your successful relief!
Best wishes to you for a healthy 2015.
Your TOWEL design is beautiful!
I hope you recover quickly from your sinus procedure. The towels are lovely. I would love to win a TOWEL.
Lynda in Michigan
I would love to have one of your towel's on my counter every day.May you start to feel better with each day.
I hear from so many how hard 2014 has been. You definitely are due a good year...but still you find the time and energy to weave these Gorgeous. Here's hoping this last surgery was the magic bullet.
Hoping you are getting relief and will enter the new year pain free. Your woven towels are beautiful
Wouldn't it be a welcome miracle if they could find the source of your headaches and stop them cold. I agree that optimism is the best way to face such adversity. Your fortitude is awesome. TOWEL. :)
The place-mats are wonderful...you two most definitely make creative music together. I would be over the moon to win a handwoven dishtowel from you.
Always have admired your skills at the loom and your determination to stay positive despite the health issues. Would love to own one of these beautiful dishtowels. :)
i would say i feel your pain but i don't .. i have however been waking with the most hideous headaches for the past few days .. this morning i discovered a blister on the top of the gum above one of the few teeth w/o a root canal .. dentist visit tomorrow morning … AAAAAARGH ….. crossing fingers for you and me … xo
The TOWEL is beautiful
beautiful TOWEL
Hilary I wish you a pain free 2015! I have purchased some beautiful towels from you before and admire them, use them and show them off as hand made by you in NY. All of your TOWEls are keepers! Wishing you a wonderful Christmas.
TOWEL TOWEL TOWEL, they are gorgeous. Best regards to Roy, the cats and of course you and your lovely family.
A new TOWEL would be just the ticket for the new house I just bought in Washington!!!
A towel is a piece of absorbent fabric or paper used for drying or wiping! Love your towls!
Your towels are beautiful and I am always looking for a fantastic towel!
Your towels make my heart sing! Wishing you and your family a Happy and HEALTHY 2015!!
I like the way you & Lois collaborate. I'm amazed at how much you weave. Such nice work.
As a Texan, I've always wanted a white snowy Christmas like in your picture. Instead, I'm wearing a light sweater over a t-shirt and the windows are open to the fresh air. At this stage of my life, all the chicks have flown the nest so Christmas is slower and more enjoyable than I ever thought they would be. Hope your Holiday Season bring you plenty of joy. Merry Christmas.
Your snowy white Christmas pic is beautiful..
i do hope this is the last you will have to endure of this pain...I feel your frustration.
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