It could be that I am not feeling so well, thanks to the Alleve I was prescribed after my last surgery.
I stopped it after a month, but I now have severe spontaneous reflux to the level of my the report said. My daughter's theory is that if it did such a job on my stomach, maybe it simultaneously did a job on the bone growth in my head.
I got myself off Prilosec back in 2010, and now it looks like I will be taking it, or something like it, again. Disturbing. I am hoping this time to take it only to 'heal' my stomach, and not as a long term solution.
It is just one more thing on the list of things I must learn to deal with. And I know that there is always someone with a worse scenario to deal with than mine. I would never have imagined that I would have all these medical issues in my 60's...........I saw myself as very healthy and active, and figured I was good for a lot longer than that. Ha! Imagine that.
Life is so full of surprises.
It has been said, not to my face, but in an email, that I have been "obsessed" with the monster headache. While that comment hurt me more than I can say, it also made me angry.
I wanted to reply that it is impossible to ignore a metal stake in the middle of your forehead.
For TWO YEARS +. No matter how hard I have tried to live my life around it, to be productive and engaged, there is no way I could have ignored that. I have acted "as if" many, many many days...too many to remember.....just because I didn't want to give in and be an invalid. I have done the best that I could come up with. Some days weren't so hard, others were a real struggle.
I am letting that go. I have to.
We are getting ready to trek south to warmer climates, and I can't wait. We are driving, because I would not ever put Roy in the belly of an airplane. And I wouldn't go without him.
Roy and I are planning on walking and walking and walking in glorious sunshine. And I am hoping that my head likes the better weather.
My kids are all coming to spend time in the sun with us, and that will make it the best vacay ever.
But first, while I am still in the frigid northeast, I think we need to have a New Year's giveaway.
"What will it be, Mimi?"
It will be a cotton dish towel, I just took a bunch off the AVL. You can pick any one you want off my web site.
All you have to do is comment with one thing that you have learned in 2013, and one thing you want to do in 2014. Easy right?
I will draw the winner on New Year's Day.
For me???
1. In 2013, I have learned that while sometimes I feel overwhelmed, I can ALWAYS do one day at a time.
2. In 2014, I am going to make a bucket list for the year, and then I am going to mark it off as I do the things I want to do. I am not going to let my headache stop me.
Sounds good, Mimi.