the Blue Ridge Gal for changing them for me several times. But I want to MASTER it.
Not sure that I ever will though.
I am so envious of her ever changing, to die for, banners.
I seem to be challenged in this regard.
I have a new idea for a kit. It's going to be the Walking On Sunshine Rag Rug Kit.
So I had to actually MAKE it, so I could photograph it for labeling.
You would be able to WEAVE the rug with the kit, but I want to demonstrate that you can also braid a rug with the kit, if you don't happen to have a huge antique rug loom sitting in your living room.
I had already braided the strips together, while watching TV last night.
So today, I started the job of sewing the braids together. I started with a piece about 10" long, for my center, this will make it an oval, and not a circle.
I can't believe it took me all day to do, with some interruptions, but then I realized.......this would be a "project" for someone.........not a JOB, like I make it.
So, it would be more fun, if it were more leisurely.
You get it???
I had to explain to myself. Duh.
I do like the way it turned out though. It is thick, and soft, and colorful.
You can see the woven version on my web site, on the Walking on Sunshine page.
It's done, now I have to work on the packaging and information.
Hmm, do I smell a giveaway????
I think I do.
A Walking on Sunshine Rag Rug Kit!!!!!!
All you have to do is comment.
You have until Friday evening.......6pm.
Out of the country, you have to pay postage. Sorry, but postage can be brutal.
I leave you with what may be the next new invention from Crazy as a Loom..........the squirrel deflector.
Since we put this piece of stove pipe up there, we have NOT (knock on wood) seen Mr. Pig Face Squirrel stuffing his face even once.
Just sayin.

I love the Rag Rug Kit idea. I have a loom (in the basement waiting to be assembled) but think that the braided rug would be just as much fun as weaving. Your creativity inspires me!
I would comment regardless, but I also would like to win the kit. :-)
I like this header much better than the one before. The many colored letters didn't really seem to go with the natural weaving idea.
Poor Mr. Pig Face.
I'm in - I would love to try this. I could make one for my RV. Thanks for doing the giveaways.
I play around with my blog, too. Haven't learned how to do the collage photos yet.
I could totally braid. Weaving? Not so mom took up weaving after she retired and enjoyed the heck out of it.She had a nice little antique loom. The loom ended up with a llama farmer/weaver after Mom passed. I think she'd be OK with that.
what a wonderful idea to make the kit available for all! I'm a weaver but I love the braided rug.
I love your Walking On Sunshine rugs. Thanks for all the tips you put on your blog about weaving!
Yes, please! My great-grandmother made braided rag rugs and I have always wanted to try. think you have a great idea with this alternative-to-a-loom project kit.
Love the kit idea and would love to get one. I like the new header, too.
Do you think stove pipe would work on a vertical pole? On a more cynical note: Do you think they won't figure this out in two days flat? Just askin'. ;o)
Love, love, love it! What a great idea!
I'd love a chance to win the rug.
Love, Love, Love your rugs, I have a loom but I am getting a big old rug loom in September, can't wait. Put me in for a chance to win
I've always been a sucker for a braided rug. Your's is so pretty. Count me in the mix.
As I dont have a loom, braiding a rug sounds like a great way to add color to a floor!! Thanx for the opportunity!
What a wonderful rug and seems pretty easy. Thanks for sharing it with us. I'd love one.
I would love to have one of your colorful rugs. Please add my name for a chance to win. Thanks!!
Have loom; need color. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Mr. Pig Face Squirrel - Ha! Now that is funny, love it!!!!
Color is good, color makes me happy, rugs make me happy, weaving makes me happy. Mr. Pig Face's name makes me happy!
You a funny girl!
love the giveaway! I am a weaver -- but I don't think my leclerc artistat is made to weave rugs -- so I've never woven one -- but I LOVE rag rugs -- especially the old fashioned kind that the church ladies make with all kinds of old fabric. I wished you lived closer so you could be in my weaving show/sale. thanks for the opportunity to win Peggy
Love the rug kit! I started to do braided rugs with the wool from my sheep once. Notice I said "started". *cough*
Good luck with the squirrels. I'll never forget the day I walked into my childhood home to see my mother taking aim at hers with a bb gun. She muttered something about toe tags and I quickly retreated to my car and left.
Beautiful rug! I would love to win the kit, and would gladly pay the postage for it. And since Friday is my birthday, it would be a wonderful present!
Squirrels have become a problem around here. We never used to have them, and suddenly the little creatures are everywhere!
Maureen (
what a cool rug...colorful...
i love squirrels though...smiles.
The braided rug turned out cool and so did the new header.
I love the idea of a braided rug. It reminds me of my Grammie, she was always braiding big wool rugs for her cold floor in Maine. I Would love this kit, great idea...Diane
Count me in!
I am looking for ways to get more color into my life. The rug looks like a great jumping off start!
I can recall my mother buying a large oval braided rug in the 70's. Dad only parted with it about 5 years after she passed away.
Being a weaver, I'd load it on the loom but your idea to feature them as a braiding kit is darn smart! Other styles of kits are possible then too. Oh, I can see where you might get rather busy with this!
:) Susan
Love It! Thanks for the chance... Like the new header.
I think everyone needs one of these in their they are so bright and cheerful!
I would love to win this kit b'coz I love the colors of your rugs/strips, I don't own loom & I already gave up braid idea for rug as I hate the sewing part(instead I crochet it) but I'm truthful here that colors of your rug are making me try it once more..
That would be a great project for my granddaughter and me. She could connect the loops and help braid. I am always looking for ideas to get her interested in making things. She seems afraid to make mistakes and this seems like it would be hard to mess up connecting the loops.
At our home Mr. Pigface is a corgi!
I'm wondering if you could use the 'toothbrush' method of making rugs with these strips, or using a large crochet hook. It might open up more crafters/needlworkers to your kits.
Question...if squirrels are so smart, why do they forget where they bury their stash?
Thanks for the drawing. It would be fun to win a kit!
In regards to your header--I loved the picture you posted of the rugs hanging on the wagon out front....that would be a nice header photo.
I would love to win your kit. Not sure if I would weave or braid it, but it would look so lovely in the kitchen...
I love the rug kit! The squirrel stopper is a good idea. Ours seem to figure out all the gadgets that are supposed to stop them.
The braided rug looks fun and squishy! I wanna take my socks off and squish my tootsies into it. :)
Neat squirrel deflector!
BTW, I'd luv to win the kit. Meanwhile, I love reading your posts......
Oh, Hilary, I love the idea of another kit! And I have been making potholders like crazy--along with my sisters and assorted relatives! hahaha! Pictures on my blog soon! xo
Thank you for this great giveaway! I would love a chance to weave a looper rug.
shepherdgirl2 (at) yahoo (dot) com
LOVE IT! Like a rainbow for the floor--and I saw two rainbows this morning on my drive to work, so maybe it was my lucky sign!
How sweet of you! I came over to see what you were dyeing...and look at your beautiful rugs! I would be thrilled to have one! Thanks! ♥
I love your creative ideas, and would love to win your rug kit! Thanks, Hillary, Vicki in CT
Beautiful kit, I would love to have that bit of color in my rustic mountain home. Also give me an opportunity to do some braiding for rugs. Love your blog. I am a tapestry weaver, but adore what you do also.
I am facilitating a braided rug class at the Galt in Lethbridge. Having the opportunity to use your kits would be great!
Love your blog.
This looks like it would be a fantastic cat rug!
Beautiful rug, so cheerful. And it has Sydney's seal of approval.
I like the kit idea for a rug and I would love to win it! Have a great day!
My cats would love the Walking on Sunshine rug! At this very moment, they're running around screaming "Pick my mommy, pick my mommy! We want a rug of our own!"
Squirrel proofing can be done. My neighbor's husband squirrel proofed a bird feeder. It took many tries, but it works.
I'm like a cat, I too would love to walk on this rug and, if I were smaller, I'd sleep on it too. I'd love to win this kit, thanks for the offer. Gail
My grandfather braided rugs. He used wool scraps from the Salvation Army. His rugs were very colorful...beautiful and I had them in my home for awhile. My sister lives on a farm in Idaho and I sent them home with her because they belonged in a farmhouse. I have it in my mind that I will braid rugs some day...maybe that someday should begin now. You have inspired me. I can start with a small one and work up to the larger projects. Lord knows I have a load of fabric sitting here just waiting!
I just started another school year of teaching and have several kumihimo looms, my CAL potholder loom, and a continuous strand triangular loom set up for my students to use during class. A braided rug kit would be a welcomed addition to our crafty stash!
I love the rug, please enter me.
Hi, it would be great to be in this giveaway, the colours in the photos are now colours that i associate totally with you!!
postage to Ireland? sure i'll pay! if i was so lucky as to win! :-)))
from this cool damp green
linked to your blog at my blog at: just liz, life in Ireland
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