I haven't eaten meat in over a year. But hot dogs, well, despite what the evidence says, they just aren't meat in my book. Don't tell me any different. I am not listening...
You know the deal......nananananana.
And the hot dogs from the Dog Shack.......dear Lord, they are addictive.
But I didn't have them.
I got myself back to the studio, and had this instead.
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It was delish, too. I
While I have been weaving placemats out of the toe ends of Solmate Socks, I have been stressing about having enough of them looped to make 4 matching placemats. Then the socklady said something to me in an email, and the light went on. Duh.
If you are familiar with the socks that produce the sock waste that I make rugs and placemats and potholders out of, you know that their motto is, "because life is too short for matching socks". You can see them HERE.
So, she suggested that I make mismatched placemats. Oh, heart be still.
It doesn't take much to get me going, obviously.
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And this, of course, takes the worry out of trying to match them. In fact, it will be the most fun of all to NOT match them.
On the potholder front, the bags came today. I am waiting on the brander, to mark each loom on the side, and I went to the printer today to get the header card started.
But then, something else occurred to me.
What about this???
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With a ball of thinly cut fabric, one could make sweet little squares that could then be sewn into bags, quilts, or anything else you could imagine.
I have to think more on this one.
I guess I should get this project on track before I go off on another tangent.
But tangents are such fun.
I want to thank everyone for all the suggestions of names for this little loom. They were great. You are an incredibly prolific bunch, and I totally appreciate your input.
But like I said, when it rings true, it rings LOUD.
The right name practically JUMPED off the page......I could hardly stand it. When I read it to my husband, even though he had suggested his own creation, he knew this one was right.
So thank you, Martha. I couldn't email you back, because your email wasn't available.
And though there were several I really liked a lot, yours was perfect.
Crazy as a Loom is proud to present the "Hip to Be Square Looper Loom". Using recycled wood, this 9" loom is made just for the looper waste from Solmate Socks. It doesn't get any greener.
I have the "list" of all of you who want one, and as soon as they are branded, and packaged, I will send out an email to you, and give you payment options.
And again, if you ask me a question, I can't answer you if your email isn't available.
Sylvia.....email me with your address, and I will get a price for shipping to Germany.
UPDATE: You all heard me kvetching about my experience with Prilosec, and the months of rebound reflux that made my life hell when I stopped taking the Prilosec. Well, 4 months later, my body has adjusted. My stomach is happy. My colon is happy. I don't have any more reflux. I sleep better. I feel better. I am not bloated and sluggish. I did it. I got OFF Prilosec, and it didn't kill me. But more than that, I was right. I didn't need it. It was making me feel awful. I listened to my 'gut', no pun intended, and got the truth. Just so you know. Doctors aren't always right.
I should probably mow the lawn tomorrow, but I think there's a loom calling. You hear it, right?

Your salad lookd delicious. When I picked up Emily, my grandaughter on Monday ~ my son, Rich met me in Stockton, illinois.. We stopped at subway.. Did you know that you can have a salad there? In Illinois they have spinach,,can't get Iowa to have spinach.. So Rich had a spinach, lettuce salad with all the fixing that they offer for the sandwich.. I thought that was so cool...
Your new loom is so cute and I love your sock placemats.. What kind of socks do you use? I think that is so cool. I might have to buy one of those new looms.. Rather unique. Very creative~!~!
Well, have a great evening. Going to teach Emily tomorrow how to sew with the sewing machine. She is going to make some flannel pants with elastic waist ban.. Easy Queasy~!~! She said 'GranAnnie" will I have to cut out the material? I said, "Of course.." she said that will make me nervous.. She is 9 years old. Wait until she sets down to sew them together for the first time on the sewing machine.. Now GranAnnie will be nervous... I'll post tomorrow on how things went.. She is so excited..
The salad looks so good my mouth is watering over it. Love the name of the little looms. VERY NICE!
That salad appeals to me far more than any junk food.
I totally like the idea of mismatched placemats. Great idea.
Congrats to Martha.. how cool. :)
I'm sure glad to know that you're feeling better too.
That salad looks great, i also try to eat a mixed salad midday instead of a meat sandwich..., losing the wheat and the meat...
the looms look adorable, I feel like I would like one too, only thing is I live in Ireland, so I'd have to ask you to work out a price for me too, please, if it's not too much trouble. Or maybe I can wait until you have all the prices sorted out and up on your website, I don't want to send you off on any more tangents!
Lovely name for the loom from Martha, that name sure hit the nail on the head! Pun intended!
Salad looks divine, but I have to admit I wouldn't have passed up the dog either. I'm curious, what made you give up meat? Do you feel better since doing that? I've thought of it myself, but then I cave.
Have I told you lately that I love the placemats and the potholders!?
Your dishtowels were featured in my before and after keeping room post, they are just awesomely absorbant and good-looking too :-)
I love the mismatched placemats...so cooooool!!!!
I love the use of the solmate socks too....can we buy them somewhere?
I, too, am a veggie....not even wieners for me!!!BUT I used to love a good hot dog....so I can sympathize.
I have long said that I could become a vegetarian...if they'd reclassify chicken a vegetable.
You salad does look scrumptious, but I think a hotdog would have been a fine accompaniment.
Hi, Can you send me info on the little loom?? I have not become addicted to weaving... but; am thinking about another addiction besides fabric, yarn and quilting... lol... thanks
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